18 | care?

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Miliani's POV

Sometimes life throws some very sharp rocks at you that you can't dodge and end up getting hurt, I've been the target before. Some passed me, some grazed me a bit and some inflicted so much pain that i'm still applying ointment on the wounds. Everyone has some wounds which were inflicted by life that haven't healed after many years but there's still progress, every single day they heal a little, enough to remind you of the past and also how much you get stronger.

I always thought that I have everything, an amazing life, a caring sister and lovely parents but one night changed it all. Now, I have a life that constantly drags me down, I don't have a sister anymore who loved me as much as I loved her, if not more and I certainly don't have lovely parents.

Huffing and getting rid of my dark thoughts I walked downstairs to see if my mom is actually cooking, for just the sake to pretend like we're a normal family but I know it can never be true. This family broke when one member died who kept it bound together.

My steps falter at the stairs when I saw dad sitting on the couch with most probably yesterdays' newspaper in his hands and a cup of coffee on the table. I smiled, just seeing them in this house makes me feel at home. Feeling eyes on him he snapped his eyes to me, something flashed in his eyes, they soften for a split second and then it disappeared. This brought tears to my eyes, he cares. My dad cares for me, just a little but its there. I smiled so big but it instantly went away when he narrowed his eyes on me and rolled them.

My heart broke into pieces, I was wrong he doesn't care about me. Who would care about a murderer? No one. I was still standing in the last step, keeping the much-needed distance. Mom walked inside the living room with her cup of coffee before sitting next to dad who instantly wrapped his arm around her shoulder and suddenly, I miss caim.

His arms always keep me warm, it's like he has a personal heater installed in his body. The way he just knows when to hug me or how to keep me on my toes, expecting anything to happen when he is around is something i'm getting used to. I just want to see him and smother him with my kisses but I know he doesn't like affection much but I'll keep it to a minimum.

Again I was interrupted by my mom. She was asking my dad about what to make for dinner, this was a usual question that was asked to Layla and me. We would always yell our favourite dishes and then argue about how my dish was tastier than hers but in the end, dad would suggest something and we have to eat it.

"What would you like to have for dinner, there's not enough grocery to make a proper meal but I'll manage," she said, she didn't even ask me. I quietly walked inside the kitchen and checked all the cabinets and indeed she said was true. There was not enough food in the fridge and all the cabinets were almost empty. I shrugged and decided to eat some cereal since I know she won't ask me about what I want to eat and wouldn't even cook anything for me.

Taking my favourite bowl and taking out all the necessary stuff for making cereal which is basically a cereal box and a carton of milk. I poured some milk into the bowl and added my favourite fruit loops to it. The heavenly dish was ready and I was more than happy to eat, still, a small part of me wanted to eat my mothers cooking but it's okay I survived without it for almost 2 years, I can do it more with that I took the bowl and walked out of the kitchen.

"What do you think you are doing by eating that for your dinner" a sharp voice stopped me. I turn around and saw my mom with her hands folded across her chest and eyebrows furrowing.

"Uhh, I like them" was my lame reply, I didn't know what to say. Her sudden question just shut all my brain windows and nothing came out from the closed doors.

"Alright, do whatever you want," she said. It stung but it's okay I can do it. I nodded and went upstairs.

I shut the door behind me and sat on the floor, eating my fruit loops happily, a little too happy for my liking. I finished my dinner in 5 minutes and decide to call Ailee.

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