23 | distraction

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Miliani's POV

My mother used to tell us, "Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it," whenever we asked why people died every day. She always said that the person who is dead for his family is only living the last chapter of his life and will spend eternity in silence.

Right now, as I sit in the hospital's uncomfortable chairs, waiting for a miracle, the words she told me are echoing in my mind. I never thought I'd see another day where I'm about to lose someone I care about. My mind was racing with all the possibilities that could occur.

When I emerged from underneath the table, I saw Caim hunched over someone, and I looked around; the place was a shambles. All of the windows were shattered, and tables were flipped over, but it was the three dead bodies on the floor near the counter that terrified me the most. One had a knife stabbed into his gut, another was bleeding from the head, and the one who saw me was hunched over a table with a knife in his inner knee and a bullet hole in the back of his head.

Those three men were dead, and I have a horrible feeling it was Caim's fault because there were no police sirens and no one was inside the cafe when we arrived. I was trying hard not to think about it, but all the signs pointed to one person: Caim, who had murdered them cold-bloodedly.

I took a shaky breath and walked over to where Caim was sitting, unaware that I had came from my hiding place. When I placed my hand on his shoulder, he stiffened, all of his muscles tense, and he slowly turned his head to face me. When I saw the look in his eyes, I gasped; his eyes were filled with rage, pure rage, thirsty for blood. I'd never seen anyone so enraged before.

His eyes were blank, but there was a strange hunger in them that scared me. That was the first time I took a step back from him; he was frightening me, and the fact that he had murdered those people didn't help my case. I know I shouldn't blame him in that way, but everything points to the contrary.

I followed his gaze and gasped when I saw who was there, Grace, as he turned away from me and stared at the person in front of him. She was covered in blood, her eyes were closed, and she appeared to be at peace. I quickly knelt on my knees and reached out my hand to touch her neck to see if she had a pulse. My hands were shaky and sweaty, and tears streamed down my cheeks, making my vision blurry.

Caim held my hand before I could touch her, his livid eyes met mine, and I could see the pain hidden inside them, and I wanted to help, I really wanted to, but I can't after what he did.

"Don't touch her," he said, his voice so venomous that it poisoned me.

"C-Caim, we need to take her to the hospital," I said shakily, reaching out to check her pulse again, and this time Caim let me. I placed my hand on her neck and sighed in relief when I felt a slow pulse, but we need to hurry or she will die.

"Caim, we need to get her to the nearest hospital right away." I put my hand on his shoulder; he was in a state where he couldn't move. He was staring at her bloodied body with empty eyes, as if someone had taken his soul away. I knew right there that Grace Salvatore was his life.

I gently shook him until he snapped. I was right behind him as he scooped Grace into his arms and dashed to Grace's car. We sat her in the back seat of the car and drove to the hospital.

It's been four hours and we still haven't heard anything about Grace; doctors rush in and out of the operating room without saying anything about her condition. Caim appears to be present here physically but mentally he's somewhere else. He completely blocked me out and hasn't said anything to me in these hours, and I'm going insane because I'm not sure what's going on behind those closed doors.

Will Grace make it? Is she in a lot of pain? Is there a deep wound from the bullet? Is Caim really responsible for their deaths? All of those questions were circling my mind, and the last one made me question the person sitting right in front of me.

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