56 | hurt

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Miliani's POV

I screamed, i screamed so loud I'm afraid I might've permanently damaged my vocal chords. My hands were trembling, i could hear them coming closer to where i was hiding. A chill went down my spine when one guy ducked under the counter and grabbed my hand.

"Peek-a-boo bitch" he yanked me forward. My head hit the corner of the counter as he pulled me up. A Yelp of pain left my lips, i was starting to get dizzy and couldn't breath because of my attack. I felt like passing out.

"John, look what i found. A pretty girl" his laugh was manic, i tried to free my  hand from his hold but it tightened everytime I moved. He was like a gigantic human. His head was touching the sky and side enough to not fit in the door frame. Both the guys were buff and i did not stand any chance against them.

"Miliani Snow, how nice of you to show up" the other guy, John, said in a mocking tone. I was struggling to breath and the guy holding my hand was tightening his hold on each passing second, i know my hand is going to bruise.

He came forward and touched my face. His fingers glided from my cheek to my neck, i took a step back. His hands on my skin felt like fire was burning me. It left me disgusted and all the more desperate to leave.

I don't what will happen to me if i didn't do anything, i could get raped, murdered.

"Where will you go?" He tilted his head and chuckled. It sent a shiver down my spine.

Suddenly, he grabbed me by my hair, a scream was bubbling up in my throat but i swallowed it. Not wanting him to revel in my pain. Giving him the satisfaction of my fear would only encourage his intentions.

"Who are you and why the hell did you break into my house?" I asked, my voice coming strained from how hard he was pulling my hair. My scalp was burning, i could feel my skin tearing up and the bruise on my head wasnt helping either. My head throbbed.

"Do not fucking question me" His hold tightened and a hiss left my lips.

"Tell me where that locket is?" The other guy, still holding onto my hand asked. I felt powerless, completely and utterly. I don't know what they're going to do with me. The thought scared me, it frightened me to know that they can kill me and nobody will save me.

I need to do something. I need to get out of this situation. I need to save myself. Because there is no knight in shining armour unless it's you who's wearing the armour.

"What locket?" I know what they're talking about. I know they're talking about the locket in my room right now, one that holds all the secrets of the mafia. Would it be a right decision to give it to them? Why would they want it?

"Do not fucking test me bitch. Fucking give us the locket or you die" i was thinking about everything that could buy me some time to get out from here. the other guy was busy looking around the house but his hands were still clutching mine.

"I really don't know what you're talking about. I don't have any locket" i was playing dumb, it was really going to drag me down but i was all in if it means distracting them enough to run.

He slapped me, hard. I fell down on the floor. The guy that was holding my hand yanked me up before wrapping his hand around my neck.

"Don't lie. Give us the locket. NOW!" he screamed to my face. My face was turning hot from the lack of oxygen. I was choking. His grip was getting stronger and stronger, my head started to feel lightheaded and i felt my body swaying.

"Leave her Ted, she won't be a help if we kill her and she is important to boss" John said. I could hear the vexation in his voice. Ted, tightened his hold for a second before he dropped his hand. I fell on the ground with a thud.

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