28 | blast from the past 1

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The next few chapters are based on how Caim met Layla and what was their relationship. So it's basically a fragment of Caim's past.


"Are you sure she is the one, boss?" Josh asked, He was sitting next to me, his gaze fixed on the small cafe ahead. A girl was serving two glasses of coffee to a blonde, she has blue eyes and dark hair that contrasted slightly with her tanned skin.

"Josh, yes, she is the one and we don't really have time for second guesses now. So this is our last chance to hide it." I said, it was true, we really don't have time to retreat from our plan. we were currently sitting in my car, parked directly in front of the cafe, coffee rush. It was a small but well-liked cafe run by a gay couple, Michael and Joseph Will.

This was no joke, we were literally being chased for something which somehow landed into my palms and I got the duty of protecting it. The heart shaped locket, this small jewellery holds a lot of secrets-secrets which people from our life would most probably want to keep hidden, it can ruin life, including mine. Though, I was never one to do something shady and hide behind the veil of power. Power was something which was built in me instead of receiving it from my parents like most people In this field has.

"All right, boss," he said and got out of the car, walking towards the cafe's entrance. He looked back for reassurance, and when I nodded, he walked inside. The bell above him chimed, and the girl turned to face him, giving him a small smile. I could see Josh smiling a big, almost awkward smile, and if it weren't for the girl being busy preparing her next order, she could easily tell it was fake.

He joined the line of customers and waited for a few minutes to reach the counter, once it was his turn to order, he quickly said something and the girl started preparing his order. While she was working, Josh kept staring at the surrounding. The girl then turned around and gave him his order.

Her phone rang, she pressed it against her ear and balanced it between her shoulder and ear while prespring the order of next person. Josh kept staring at her, she was smiling and talking animatedly, when Suddenly, Josh went completely still and rigid, his colour paled, he almost looked yellow. I couldn't tell what he heard or what happened but it was definitely something stunning, if Josh acted this way.

He finally snapped out from whatever trance he was in and started talking to that girl, she smile politely but her smile seemed fake and forced. I noticed them interacting for a few moments before Josh walked out the door with a bag and a cup of coffee. He appeared pale as if someone had told him he only had a few hours to live. His face was expressionless.

"What happened?" I inquired as he soon as be approached the car and opened the door. He gave me the bag but kept the cup for himself. When he handed me the bag, I noticed his hands were trembling. What could have happened to cause him to react this way?

"Boss, the girl is completely safe and knows nothing about you," he said, but that didn't explain why he was acting so nervously.

"Then why are you full of nerves?" I cocked my head to the side and raised my brow; I could tell he was debating whether or not to tell me, and judging by his expression, the answer was no, right now.

"Nothing boss, it's just that I've never talked to someone this beautiful," he said, and I knew there was more to it than that. It was a lie, i know it was a lie, josh knew that i knew that he was lying. Josh was never the shy type, instead, he would go up the notch and start the conversation.

"Okay, now is it safe to carry out the mission or..." I trailed off, knowing that this plan is risky, but I'd do anything to protect that locket, which was the last thing my father told me to do before he died two months ago.

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