63 | His decision

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Miliani's POV

The room felt into an uncomfortable silence, I could listen to the chatter beyond the door. someone laughing loudly, talking people walking along the walls, I could hear all of it. I tried to keep my focus on those distractions, my mind needed them. after reminiscing everything, the noises served as the best distractions.

my heart pounded in my chest as it was getting too difficult to breath, to keep a single coherent thought in my head. it was just too much. I was only a breath away from screaming and covering my ears from the whispers that still resided in the deep folds of my brain. her screams, her last words, her everything that I stole away. 

Caim sit there unmoving, his eyes wavered to the window back to the flower pot and going back and forth. despite my hatred towards his actions, I cant help but think if he think of me as a murderer. if he thinks like how my parents do, that if he too thinks of me as a selfish bitch that took her sister's life away from her.

"I--I need to go" he stood up abruptly, the stool falling over from how fast he stood up. my eyes met his. there was nothing behind his eyes that told me what was he thinking, they were indifferent, blank, just like they have always been. I didn't say anything. I am in position to stop him. now, that he know what sort of monster resides in me, I have no hope of him staying with me. I simply accepted that as much as I hate him, it would be him that would walk away first.

the door slammed shut behind him, as the clicking sound of the lock ricocheted over the wall. blinking back the only residue of my weakness, I lied back down the bed, this time without hissing as the pain in my ribs is nothing compared to the my heart feels. slowly closing my eyes, I let the world darken around me until, i could only listen to my breath and nothing more but before that my eyes went to the tray and I saw both the lockets were there.


Caim's POV

Rage so white burned behind my eyes that for a moment I stumbled down the stairs. I never knew I was capable of feeling this much anger at once, it only intensified as my thought went back to each word that left Miliani's mouth. I cannot believe that Fucker has been fucking with her head, I cant believe I let that happen.

every joint of my body ached to have that bastard begging for his life, I want him dead. I want him dead. I want to kill him seven times, every time giving him an even more painful death. I want him begging for mercy. I want him on his knees infront of Miliani, asking for foreignness and I would do as she says. 

my teeth clenched together as I made my way to the parking spot. my hands trembled as my rage went out of control, it was dizzying. keeping a hand on the top of my car I stable myself. i tried to calm down but every breath was like a fucking knife to the gut. he fucking touched her, he touched when she was innocent and loved him. he used her. I don't know if I want to kill Grey or make him regret being born.

closing my eyes I took a few deep breaths before getting in my car and driving down to the raven house, now, that I know that Miliani is far too deep inside this mess, I'm not letting her alone. it would be too dangerous for her to be alone. grey has once tried shaking her up and almost succeeded but not again, i wont let him come near her. i wont let him touch even a strand of her hair, she's mine and id make sure he knows that.

I called Lucas while still driving towards the familiar road to the house. once he picked up, I told him to go and check up on Miliani. I know I left suddenly, but just sitting there, listening to her soft sobs was making me lose control. we need a plan and If I stayed there even longer than a minute I knew for sure that a war would break out and bloodshed, more then I'd need would happen.

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