64 | call from the underworld

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Miliani's POV

Karlos opened the main door of my house as Ailey wheeled me in. I was discharged from the hospital after three days of being in observation. my back was still sporting a huge blue-green bruise but other than that the cuts and scraps were starting to heal.

"take her to her room while I prepare some soup for her," Ailey said as soon as we crossed the threshold of the living room. my two best friends have taken it upon themselves to aid me. I've been lectured five times to not apply pressure on my back in the last ten minutes and have been asked if I'm feeling woozy approximately a hundred times.

call me blessed with the devils.

Karlos without saying anything, only wheeled me until we reached the stairs. "I'm going to pick you up, alright Mili bear. if it hurts anywhere tell me" he warned. he's been too cautious ever since he came barreling into the room on the day of my accident. I lifted my eyes to meet his, chin slightly tilted up, I grinned at him before nodding my head. it feels nice to for once taken care of. for the past two years, I've been fending for myself.

he very slowly snaked his hand around my lower back and one under the crook of my knees before hoisting me up. the pain shoot through my back from being touched around the bruised area but after a few breaths it became bearable and I told Karl to move. He ascended one stair at a time and after every step he looked down at me, asking if it hurts. we made it to my room in five minutes.

he lied me down on my bed before going downstairs to help Ailey, when in reality I know he only wanted to spend some time with her alone. it's about time they act on how they feel. A grimace fell from my lips when my back touched a protruded pillow, with slight difficulty I removed it before setting down on my back. My wounds were in the healing stage but they hurt still the same as the first day.

While having nothing to do other than lying in my bed, I got plenty of time to think about everything, even things that doesn't need another onlook but still appeared on the forefront of my brain like a reel of pictures. like the events that happened four days ago. funny how a single day can change your perception of people. I never thought I would see myself in a situation where I would fear for my life. Chasing after something that doesn't need me, that doesn't belong to me.

Three days and I still feel the heaviness in my chest like the day he left the room and never looked back. I was crushed with the overwhelming feeling of longing, hate and despair when he told me the truth, bare, uncovered truth. he told me everything. I wanted to stop him, maybe I would've have but when his words echoed back in my head I just couldn't help but think about Layla. Maybe what I'm doing is wrong for both of us but what about the sinking feeling that every time drowns me whenever he is closer, nearer?

I wiped the tear that rolled from the corner of my eye getting lost in my hair. these thoughts followed me until I was surrendering to calmness.

I was running, on the road with my feet bare and cold. the night sky was growling with the heavy winds that followed my every step. I wasn't alone, that much I know. I could hear footsteps following me, behind me, chasing me. My breathing was coming out in heavy pants as I ran and ran and ran into the cold night. the pressure of getting caught was lingering as an aftertaste.

Trees, clouds, even the moon were after me. I couldn't help but think of the box in my hand, the wooden box that held many secrets, that I wanted to throw away but couldn't, not when his life could be hindered to it, not when my sister died protecting it. I can't let it slip away. My feet took the encouragement and started moving faster, they Burned but the possibility of getting out safe empowered the pain and I pushed more.

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