41| tiring day

967 35 15

Author's note

A small thanks to everyone who gave a chance to Caim. To all of you who reads every single chapter and make me happy. I seriously didn't thought Caim would be loved by so many of you guys. It was just an idea that I wanted to try but the response I recieved made me continue this story.

So thank-you so much

Also, special thanks to ThisLadyReads and Sidrahmukati to vote on every single chapter and comment on it. it really means alot.


Miliani's POV

We drove to school in silence. Caim didn't went back to his home to change, instead he called Lucas to bring him a new set from his house to school. We were already an hour late because of our conversation at home. I honestly have no idea what to say to him now. The conversation we had was simply a full stop on what we're doing- what we have.

I don't know what privileges I have over him, can I talk to him like I used to in the beginning? He didn't say anything after we climbed inside the car, it was silent, almost to the point where I felt jumping out of his car. This tension was suffocating me, choking me from the inside. I never saw myself being this uncomfortable in the presence of Caim but here I am sitting with my hands fiddling in my lap.

I breathed in deep before exhaling, trying to calm my nerves as I looked over at him. " Caim" I called. His hands on the wheel tightened, slowly turning a sickly yellow colour. He didn't turn around but I know he heard me as his jaw tightened a fraction.

"I-I'm sorry" I whispered, I don't why I apologized to him. It wasn't my fault that I can't tell him how much I love him, telling him right now would mean betraying him, betraying Layla and most importantly cheating myself. My life has been a spiral since two years. I don't know where was the beginning and where it ends.

Sean has left a dark imprint on my mind that everytime I think about someone else his words would echo in my brain, telling me how I am nothing without him. Sean made sure to break me in every possible way, cracked me in places where nobody could reach to fill them. At times I feel like even my tears belongs to him, I was never like this. Never so weak and fragile.

"No need, I understand" he said, still facing the road. I sighed before resting my head on the window. Staring at people passing by, some were laughing some were simply in their own little world. Maybe its me who feel that everyone has a story to tell, they just decide to share it with themselves instead of others. I was never one to like storytelling, maybe thats why I can't say anything to him.

Soon, we reached school. I saw many people talking to their friends, standing with their groups. I moved to open my door but before I could, Caim did it for me. Glad that this part of our relationship didn't change. I waited for him to offer me his hand but he never did, he simply started walking towards the school, Not bothering to lock his car, not bothering to even look in my direction. only stopping when he reached the gates. Probably waiting for me.

I closed the door after me and followed his footsteps to reach the double doors. I didn't say anything just walked slowly as I passed him. Thinking he might not want me clinging to him. I stopped when a sudden jerk pulled me back, my back collided with his chest. Lifting my eyes to met the swirling pools of grey, he was upset.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked, I felt a fresh wave of something keen to affection for this guy. All I wanted to do was pull him towards me and smother him with the love I have for him. But he can't know that. I opened my mouth to say something, he shake his head and tightened his fingers around mine.

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