11 | november cold

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Peace is what I'm feeling right now. After that horrendous panic attack and the nightmare I somehow gained enough control over my body to call someone and that someone came out to be Caim. I called him first without thinking anything, I just dialled his number and waited for him to come and get me from my constricted house. The place was closing in on me and all I wanted was to get out of there.

When the call ended I just sat on the bed without any proper clothing, I was wearing nothing but a camisole with some shorts which I somehow found in the laundry basket. They were maybe not washed for 5 days and probably stinks of sweat but that was my last concern so I put them on. I was staring into space with thousands of thought roaming my mind and one, being the most prominent.

My whole body was shivering from the chilly air of November month, goosebumps erupted on my body in an alarming position and it was making me slightly uncomfortable but not much to change my clothing state. A sudden knock jolts me out of my staring contest with the wall. The sound seemed very urgent. I stood up from the bed and walked timidly towards the door.

My legs were shaking and it was becoming very difficult to even take one step without collapsing. I reached the door and yanked it open but didn't get a chance to know who knocked because as soon as I opened the door I was engulfed into strong, big arms and my head met with a stoic but soft chest. The warmth was enough for my shivering body.

The person sighed and tightened his arms around my body, his scent was familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it due to my brain being a very emotional mess, but it was calming, that is what I want after all.

"Thank god you're okay," the person said into my hair and even though I was in the almost comatose state I still recognised that voice, hell, I can recognise that voice and react to it, while being asleep, Caim. The gruff voice belonged to Caim, the sentence slowly invaded in my brain and my body responded immediately.

Caim is here.

I wrapped my arms around his back and buried my face further into his chest, the warmth was finally seeping into my skin through those stinky pyjamas which even if he noticed, he didn't comment on it. His arms were safety to me in this situation, the embrace reminded me of my reality and faded the nightmares. He faded the remains of that night.

Finding my voice, " Caim, I'm glad you came" I said as a whisper. The tears again making an appearance. I cried for the nth time today but this time it was not alone, Caim was with me, rubbing my back awkwardly and saying somewhat soothing words ' tell me who made you cry, I will kill him' if they even consider soothing but at least he was trying and saying it for Caim is a big deal.

I pulled away from his hug and looked into his ever soft but blank silver eyes. They were shining under the moonlight and it was the purest silver I've ever seen in my life. It was like they were very delicate for someone to even look into them, but the beholder was anything but delicate, he was the exact opposite of the word itself. He was strong, powerful and calm but even he had some troubled days, I can sometimes see it in his eyes, they hold so much exhaustion. It reassured me that power can also succumbs into the whirls of weakness, which only makes weak even stronger.

" Why are you crying," he said and placed his rough and calloused hands on my face to wipe off the extra tears. He gently wiped them, his hands remained in the same position, cupping my cheeks. I leaned into his palm and rested my face fully on them, closing my eyes just to relish the strange but welcoming emotions.

Caim did not say anything, just stood there with my face in his hands. He removed them much to my dismay and took my hand in his big one, engulfing them in warmth and walked towards the bed. Setting me down on the bed, Caim rummage through my room for something. He opened the bathroom door which was already slightly ajar and went inside.

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