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Miliani snow-up^

You can imagine Miliani as whoever you want :)
Miliani's POV

" you are amazing just the way you are" we were shouting to the lyrics of just the way you are on the way to our school. It was a very sunny day, I was in a good mood as well because I just ended my periods and I'm truthfully over the moon right now. Periods suck, girls.

It took us around 5 songs to reach school, it was about 15 minutes away from my house. I don't know how it become a habit to count songs to know the time of destination, Ailee always says that it's weird but oh well. . Ailee parked the car in our usual space and we hopped out. We were a little earlier today than usual because Karlos was having an early practice. He plays football from our school and mind you, he's an amazing player. If not, one of the best.

"Alright, I have practice till lunch so I'll meet you guys in the cafe," Karl said and hugged both of us before going to the grounds.

"I'm just going to my class and sleep till the bell rings," Ailee said and as if on cue, she yawned. I shook my head, it's not new. Ailee tends to feel tired more than an average teenager, she always wants to either sleep or go shopping, there's no in-between. I nodded before walking inside the school.

Since we were early and my first period was free, I decided to spend it in the library.
Our school's library is one of the many places I find comfort in. The books always give me a feeling of belonging and I love the smell of books. Our school library is very big and contains almost every book known to humankind. Be it romance, thriller, autobiographies or science fiction. Every aspect of life is captured in these wooden shelves and this is a sense of comfort in itself.

I chose a seat at the far back of the library near a window, secluded from all the student eyes. A huge shelf of some old historic books was hiding me from the rest of the student body. I liked it here, ever since I found this place, id always come here and spend as much as time I could. The books gave me peace nobody else could, it brings back a piece of past which I always want to hold close to my heart, a piece of me which was ripped off me.

I shook my bead to remove all those thoughts and walked over to the fiction section, picking out one of my favourite books of all time, Romeo Juliet. This story always intrigued me, how a person could die for you, just because they loved you was beyond me. I have read this book million times, I can practically recite every scene but still, there's always something new to it whenever I read it. I opened the first page and fell into the world of love beyond magic.

This story always reminds me of how Love can sometimes be dangerous, you love someone and want to live the rest of your life with them but just a simple stamp of religion can erode all the feelings, all the happy moments, everything in just a blink of an eye. This story somehow reminds me of myself from 2 years ago. A timid girl who loved someone, who was not what he looked like but rather a person from a whole new world, one which never consisted and I could never fit in.

I was so engrossed in this classic novel that I didn't hear the sound of the door opening. I was at the best part where Juliet was at the party, dancing with the already starstruck Romeo. Their eyes met, she held her breath and then everything stopped.

The book was suddenly snatched away from my hands and now was in the possession of someone else. I was so offended and irritated that I took a few breathes to calm myself. Once I was satisfied with my temper I gazed up but froze immediately by seeing who it was, Caim. He was sitting on the window seat in all his glory. Black leather jacket, messy tossed hair, striking grey eyes and a smirk to die for.

He was currently holding my novel, looking at it uninterestingly. " umm give me my novel" I said a little hesitantly because I know one wrong move can have me buried deep inside the soil with a tombstone on my head and I really don't want to be a beloved daughter and have, we loved you, right now.

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