47 | bad faith

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Miliani's POV

When you have everything you don't appreciate it, and when its snatched, taken away from you; you mourn the lost. That's how human mind works, It never lets you feel grateful over things you got but rather make you complain about things that you don't have. When In reality all that you have, Is precious enough not trade It for anything.

Back when I was a child, I used to always complain about the Barbie my classmate have and I do When you have everything, you don't appreciate It, and when Its snatched, taken away from you, I would cry and throw a tantrum until he caves and buys me the toy, I would be happy for the time being but then If I saw someone having something I don't have; I would start complaining again, It was like a cycle. I was never satisfied with what I have and complained about what I don't have.

one day, my dad father came home with an excited smile. He told me he was taking me out to show me something amazing; I perked up t the thought as at that time my obsession was to win a giant teddy bear from the carnival happening In our town. I got upstairs excited, quickly changing Into a new pink dress my mom gifted me on my birthday three days ago. When I went downstairs I saw my dad and Layla sitting together on the couch, Layla had a huge smile on her face and I knew we were going to the carnival.

Dad, Layla and I, all settled Into the car. Throughout the drive I kept telling them about how I will show Karly my new teddy bear and make him pout. My dad didn't say anything but smiled my way. When the car stopped I giddily opened the door to walk before both of them but Instead of seeing a giant Ferris wheel and people bustling around, lights Illuminating the space; I saw a very big house with 'Masey's home' written In bold letters over a wooden board on top of the gate.

I looked up to see my dad with the same smile he showed In the car, my mood dropped and I found my eyes starting to tear up, at that time my dad lied to me. Layla came forward and held my hand before taking small steps towards the black gate of the house. I tried to stop her, to tell her that I don't want o go anywhere even went to the limit of digging my feet on the ground but she still managed to get me Inside the doors.

Once Inside I stubbornly closed my eyes to see anything as my dad told me to show something but I didn't want to see anything after knowing he lied. Layla kept dragging me behind and only stopped when I tripped over a rock; I Instinctively opened my eyes to save myself from the fall when my eyes fell on a boy my age. He was sitting alone, under a tree with a small notebook and some colors. Not the set of 36 shades that I have back at home but only eight colors.

Than my eyes filtrated from him to the other side of the area, there I saw three kids maybe a little younger than me, playing hopscotch. They all had a big smile on their faces. My gaze bounced from one person to another. Everyone on them looked happy, I felt my dad kneeling down In front of me with a soft smile.

He said "do you know why they're so happy?" I looked at him than to all the children playing. "Because they have everything to stay happy" I replied. Layla ran off to talk t some girl who has torn teddy bear in her hand.

"Tell me Mili bear, will you stay happy if mom and I leave you and Layla?" my eyes widened and I quickly went towards him and clanged to his body before shaking my head In no.

"They don't have mom and dad" he told me. I pulled a little away from him.

"But they all are so young" my voice came out a little small because of what my dad said. I can never imagine myself living without my parents. I love them.

"Yes but they have no one to call mom and dad. You know Mili bear, not everyone gets what they want, some people have a very difficult life, like these kids but still they live with what they have even though they didn't deserve this life still they put a smile on their faces and stay happy. Be happy that you have something not everybody can afford, give Instead of take and you'll help not only them but yourself."

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