20 | Caim is freaking stubborn

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Miliani's POV

I never thought I will do something like this, it was childish but I was so upset with him that all I could think of was how to make him regret for leaving without any messages. He pissed me off big time and the stress from yesterday hasn't worn off so I took the impulsive decision and rolled my eyes at him when his steely pools met mine.

Not thinking much about it I dashed inside the school doors with Ailee following my foot. She silently let me drag her in the hallways and once we were away from their earshot she stopped and turned me, her hands were folded on her chest and she was giving me the 'i know something is going on look'. I groaned and closed my eyes, preparing for her wave of questions that are about to flood me.

"What was that? I saw how you rolled your eyes at him and I know something is going on between you two. so, spill and don't even think of dodging me" she said with her eyebrows raised. Ailee can be very pushy when she wants to know something and she sometimes forgets the boundaries but she means no harm so I let her.

I groaned, I know I have to tell her everything but i'm not ready for all the teasing and dirty comments after that. She tends to make everything dirty even if i'm talking about washing my favourite hoodie because it smells but she would be like 'oh why does this hoodie smells? Did you finally found someone who can make you sweat,' and it leads to me choking on my saliva and Karl laughing his ass off.

" it was nothing Ailee, it's just, all the stress is catching up to me and i'm losing my fucking composure and doing things which I never did in my entire life history," I said and took a deep breath. It is freaking frustrating to bottle everything up, I can just tell everything to both my best friends but I don't want to burden them with my suitcase of life problems.

"Okay so you didn't want to ignore him but you did because you're stressed. What kind of fucked up situation is this?" Ailee is literally dense sometimes, I just want to slap some sense into her.

I looked at Ailee, she was wearing a very confused expression as someone asked her if fishes can get wet in water. I just shook my head and decided to leave her to her imagination. I started walking when a large body came crashing into me, knocking the air out of my lungs. The person was so heavy that I lost my balance and fell on the ground with the person still clutching to me.

"G-get off o-of me, I c-cant bre-breath," I said in a broken sentence because I was pressed down on the floor with a human bulldozer on top of me.

"BEST FRIEND!!" the guy screamed in my ear and quickly got up. I sucked in all the oxygen my body could inhale but it was short because I was once again yanked up by the same idiot, my best friend.

"What the hell Karl, I could've died. Don't you know you're fucking heavy?" I yelled at the grown-up man child.

" did you just called me fat, oh no you little shit," he said and advanced towards me with his hands raised when I was yanked into one large body, what's up with people pulling me today.

"Touch her and i'll break your fingers," Caim said threateningly, I could sense the anger radiating from him. Karlos visibly stiffened and gulped, if I was not mad at Caim I would've laughed at how he easily intimidated Karl but not right now, I cant give him the satisfaction.

Twirling toward his direction I pulled my hand out of his hand and stepped back. I saw something flicker in his eyes but it was gone in seconds.

"I dare you to do that," I said and raised my brow when he clenched his teeth and looked at me with a blank look but I know that he is angry. The small crease between his eyes says it all.

Caim took a step towards me when a shrill voice was heard " HII, Mili!" Lucas came in between me and Caim, he hugged me and lifted me off the ground walking a little away from his best friend when I saw him advancing forward, I silently giggled.

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