66 | raven house

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Miliani's POV

Mystically beautiful is the only word that came to my mind once I saw the expance of the dark mansion. Black is most prominent with other shades blending everything together to create this house, raven house. I don't know how in the world I never knew about something so grand and majestic. It literally looks like Devils house.

Caim was already walking towards the main entrance with my bag under his arm while I stood beside the car gawking at the house. I couldn't believe my eyes. My attention snapped when Caim called out my name with a hurry up and I was back to being upset and annoyed. My feel touched the dark pathway leading to the grand doors to the mansion. The pebbles crunched beneath my white sneakers. I was having a little difficulty walking  because of my back pain.

"Do you gangsters have a fascination with Victorian houses?" I mused, remembering Caim's house. It was also an old style rich Victorian but his was a little airy, breathy and light while this house feels like it could suck up your soul and leave you to wither at the spot. I liked Caim's better, not that it means anything.

"No, it's what most of us have inherited from our parents or ancestors" he shrugged still walking ahead of me. I stopped in my tracks, parents..I have never asked anything about Caim's parents, where are they? I've only ever heard Grace being referred to as Caim's family but what about his mom and dad? Does he have siblings?

"Did you got yours from your parents as well?" My mind was reeling at the possibilities of his reaction to mentioning his family without consent, but I wanted to test the waters and maybe get a little insight on whom I am in love with.

He didn't stop only turned his face sideways, looking at me. "No, that is my grandfather's house" his answer left me with questions but I knew better to ask. I can't risk asking something that hits home, not yet.

"Alright, well I guess you guys have tons worth money to build something so huge" I was completely forgetting about the feud I had with Caim the other day. I couldn't help it, this place was new to me. I am meeting the most feared man in our town or maybe this country and that is making me scared, and right now all I have is Caim to hold on to.

We reached the locked doors, I waited as Caim unlocked the password to enter. The security in this area was smart and trustworthy. I was almost certain this place is being concealed from most of the population, the thick forest answers it. A click was heard and the gigantic doors opened to reveal the most beautiful hallway I've ever seen. Long red rug stretched over the marble floor.

I walked inside the dark mansion with a little fear, a little nauseous. My steps  faltering every two and heart thundering inside my chest. Somethings never change, even after experiencing death up close I still feel scared of what life has to offer. I have seen the horrors these people have done, what they can do and that only set my mind into over drive as my feet took me deeper into the mansion. I could feel Caim behind me and that was the only sense of security for me.

"I've got you" he whispered behind me, "I won't let them do anything to you. Just trust me on this one" although his voice was hard and edged but I could hear the underlying worry, the concern palping to the words. his hand landing on the small of my back, above the bruises. it sent a shock of nerves down my spine and I all but shuddered at his touch.

Shaking off the feeling of his hand on my skin I responded with a small nod, however much he had lied to me, deceived me but I know one thing for sure that he would never hurt in a way where I bleed, he would never let anyone make me bleed. He would kill before that happens, I have seen the desperation in his eyes that morning when I watched his drunken eyes meeting mine in the kitchen, telling me how much he loves me.

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