22 | gunshot

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Miliani's POV

Life provides us with numerous opportunities to maintain our sanity; while some hold on tight, others let go and welcome the world with their insane minds; there is no in-between; a person either becomes sane or insane; but what if you become insane while still holding on to the last straw of sanity?

I can't say I'm completely sane; after all, I've done things that no normal 18-year-old girl would consider doing, such as falling in love with a psychopath and being accused of murder. Who would've guessed that one day I'd be riding a bike with the Lakeview highs bad boy sitting behind me giving me directions to where we're supposed to be going? I definitely feel like a badass.

"Now take the first left and then turn right in about 15m," he said, and I couldn't help but chuckle at how he was directing us.

"Caim, you don't work as the audio in the GPRS system in secret, do you?" Because of the quick pace, I yelled. He told me to drive slowly, but I couldn't help myself and twisted the accelerator handle to speed up. Caim cursed every time we passed a pothole and clutched my waist a little tighter, safe to say Caim Salvatore was scared. This made me laugh, how he can drive this vehicle so swiftly and with a great control but when he's the one sitting behind, he get all fidgety and scared whenever we pass through a road crack or speedbreakers , but I knew how to control this beast, so it was all good.

"Shut up and just follow " when did he become so bossy Where's the other Caim who doesn't speak until it's life-threatening.

"Woah, alright Mr grumpy pants," I replied and I doubt he heard me.

"Go straight and there's a small diner on the right side of the road, stop there," he said, pointing to a small diner with some flickering lights on top of a hoarding. I have a feeling I've been here before.

I parked the bike when we arrived at the small eatery. The adrenaline slowly wearing off. Caim jumped off his bike and unclipped his helmet, but I was still staring at the location; I'd seen this diner before; wait, this is where Karl, Ailee, and I washed after that crazy food fight.

I smiled broadly and dismounted the bike, then walked into the diner without waiting for Caim. The aroma of fresh coffee and sweetness filled my nostrils as I stepped inside, I instantly began to feel hungry. I looked around for Grace, the lovely lady, but she was nowhere to be found.

"Why did you run off?" an irritated voice asked. Is there ever a day when he doesn't have his pants twisted? I don't think so.

I shrugged and walked over to one of the many booths. This place is lovely, and the owner, in particular, exudes a soothing aura.

Caim took a seat across from me and handed me the menu. After looking through the menu, I decided on a pepperoni pizza with coke. It's simple, but it's exactly what I'd been craving for a long time.

"That's it? you're not getting anything else?" Caim inquired, his brow furrowed.

"Yeah," I replied simply while looking around.

The first thing I noticed when I walked in was the abundance of windows. The walls are adorned with small windows in a diagonal pattern, each with different coloured glass. The walls are a cream colour, which complements the colour of all the window glasses. Small fairy lights illuminated the ceiling, giving the entire diner an aesthetic feel.

"Miliani?" My tour was cut short when I noticed the kind old lady, a.k.a. Grace, and smiled at her before slipping out of my chair. I approached her and gave her a big embrace, which she enthusiastically returned. Her blue eyes twinkled in the sunshine, and her white-blonde hair looked as though it had been custom-painted for her. Every strand glistened like tiny diamonds adorning those locks.

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