49 | Sean

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Miliani's POV

I don't know how long I stayed lying on the floor just thinking about what turn my life has taken. Its easy to predict what's going to happen next when you're having a good time, you think of good things but when you're spiraling down and don't know when to stop? The prediction becomes warning and it rings in your mind like a gong.

My mind was beating the gong so hard the vibration thumped in my chest. My arms got scratched from the sequin on my dress. I slowly sit up to change from the clothing when I remembered why I came into this room. I looked around for the two pieces of jewelry and found them on the floor, beside me; I took the key first and inspected it. It looked exactly the way it did when Layla gave it to me, silver and shiny and then when I pick the locket it contrasted the key so much that I thought twice before actually inserting the key in the hole.

The heart clicked the familiar click of a lock opening. I breathed in and out three times before closing my eyes and opening the locket. The small locket divided into two parts and something small fell on my ankle, I shrieked, afraid that it was something I was not expecting. I very slowly opened my eyes to look at the thing but furrowed my brows when I saw a black memory card.

I got confused, why is there a memory card? It looked new. Did Sean place it inside the locket before giving it back? Dies this chip has something that he wants me to see? I took the locket and opened it again to see if there was something else but found nothing, it was empty.

Why would that guy gift Layla a micro chip? I took the chip in my hand, inspected it. my mind comprehend what would be his reason to give a micro chip. Does this chip have something that he wanted her to see? Maybe a secret confession? Sighing loudly I decided to check what's inside it. my laptop was inside my room and I was in way to go and brink it here. My legs wobbled as I tried to stand. My limbs went numb when I lay on the floor for hours.

My arms were aching for bent into an awkward position for hours; I twisted my wrists to ease the pain when my phone started ringing. It was lying beside the shelf, crawling towards it, I check the id to make sure it's not Caim or Lucas as I can't bear to talk to them right now or, ever. But to my surprise it was Kylie.

I picked the call, "hey" I said. The other line was silent for a few seconds. I could hear people talking in loud voices, glass clinking and beats of country music in the background. Every sound added up to my assumption that Kylie is in a bar.

"I need a f-favor" she whispered in the phone, the sound behind her more pronounced than her timid voice.

"Kylie, are you okay? What is it?" wiping the remaining tears, I asked her. "can yo- you please pick me up?" the shaky breath she took after saying the words, didn't set right with me. Kylie was in danger.

"Of course. Where are you?" I rushed and clumsily stood up from the ground. My legs wobbled when I put my weight on them, I held the corner of the shelf to stabilize myself. My legs were numb from being in the same position for hours.

"I- I'm at the bar down the third street in venue park. Thank you, Miliani. Thank you so much." Her voice tugged at my heart. I pulled my phone away from my ears to check the time, three forty two in the morning. What is she doing this late at a bar?

"Alright, but come out of that bar and wait for me on the sidewalk, I'll be there in fifteen" I told her and she replied with a small okay. Hanging up my phone, I quickly went up to my room, changed into a pair of jeans and some t-shirt as I couldn't risk going to a bar in the dress I was wearing. After changing I grabbed my car keys from my bedside table and sprinted down the stairs and out of the house.

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