02 | Caim

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Miliani's POV

The cafeteria door opened and in walked Caim and his only best friend Lucas. Lucas was a big guy with heavy muscles and 6'3 height, he was a little taller than Caim, maybe an inch. He has striking grey eyes and reddish brown hair that complimented his honey skin tone.

they both were known to break hearts here and there, not in the playboy way but by being indifferent to what girls feel about them.

He was wearing a very cute smile which was directed at me?. Why is he smiling at me like that? I asked myself. Karlos and Ailee were shocked too as they shifted their chairs towards me.

"Mili, what did you do to Lucas to have him smiling at you like a creep. Did you steal his starbursts?" Ailee whispered, I gave her a look for her stupid reasoning and just shook my head telling her that I didn't do anything. He was looking directly at our table and his footsteps followed. Caim was wearing a blank look, more like a mask to seem indifferent from all the staring.

By now the whole cafeteria was looking at me, it made me extremely uncomfortable so I shifted myself in my seat, pulling it a little closer to Karlos. He seemed to understand my discomfort as he tugged me closer towards him by putting an arm around my shoulder. I was looking down the whole time, it was very hard for me to not fidget on my place because of all the attention. We were interrupted by a loud thump, I looked up and saw Caim has banged his hand on one of the tables, glaring at everyone in the cafe.

They all proceeded to mind their own business, Some still looked our way sneakily. I looked at Caim and found his eyes already on me or more particularly on Karlos's arm which was wrapped around me. I squirmed a little dropping the arm in the process then again I looked at him. His eyes held a very strong emotion, anger was prominent in them. Slowly his eyes guided themselves to my hazel orbs and they stayed there. I saw something flicker in them, a small display of emotion.

His eyes held anger but within a second they changed into confusion and then they were back to being blank. It was like he knows something but couldn't pin point it. Breaking the eye contact I turned around in my chair, the eye clash was too much for me. I've always been a introvert and didnt liked any unnecessary attention and being the eye focus of Caim and his best friend is doing nothing attracting more attention. I stared down at the table thinking about in a matter of second I went from being invisible to the centre of attraction.

I was searching for a suitable reason for having Lucas smiling at me like that and for the sudden burst of anger from Caim. They both were practically strangers to me and I've never once met Lucas. Hell, I was certain that he didn't even know, that a girl named Miliani exists, same goes for Caim. I mean they still don't know me but it looked like that thing is about to be changed.

I got startled by the sound of a chair scraping against the floor, the sound resonated in the already silent cafe. I looked up and I swear if I wasn't sitting, I would've fallen on the ground because sitting next to me was Caim fucking Salvatore. This guy really doesn't need do something to scare people away his mere presence is making me lose my mind and my throat parched all at the same time.

Once again everyone's eyes were on our table, I could feel their stares on the back of my head and my mistake was that I looked up from the table to all the prying motherfuckers. The guys were looking fearful and jealous whereas the girls were throwing daggers at me through their eyes. I can't blame them, the only guy they all want to be with is sitting next to me with no worry what so ever.

Some people started to record as if I'm kylie Jenner from keeping up with the Kardashian. It shocked how much they can do to get gossips. if a man would be dying they will first record it and post it with a hashtag than help that poor guy. I can't help but feel A little exposed under their eyes. A rough and calloused hand wrapped around my chin, pulled me away from all the scrutinising eyes, making me come face to face with the devil.

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