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Caim's POV

"she's my whole fucking world" I breathed, my heart was breaking by every second i looked at Miliani, breathing through tubes. never in my worst nightmares have I ever wanted this to happen. 

"what have you done Rosalie" a whisper left my lips. i took a deep breath before walking inside the room, each step towards her was like a mile away. she wasn't close enough for me to feel. "what have you done" i looked towards Rosalie. she was holding back her tears.

Rosalie move towards me but i stopped her. i cant be near her, I'll fucking go crazy if she stayed in this room any longer than a minute. i wanted her gone. i know this isn't her fault but my heart was blaming her for the state of Miliani. this time my mind was silent, it was not spewing any thought, blank-just blank.

"just go Rosalie. I'll call Josh, he'll take you to the raven house" I said before sitting down on the stool by the bed. taking Miliani's hand in mine. it felt different to touch her, this touch doesn't feel right. her hand was not warm, it was cold and detached from her soul.

"C-Caim I'm sorry...it was ju-just an accident" her voice resonated in the room but couldn't enter my ears, I was deaf to her words. maybe I was being irrational but Miliani was in this bed because of her. I only nodded before taking my phone out and calling josh to pick her up.

"go down, he'll be here any minute" my hand tightened on her hand as i waited for Rosalie to exit the room. after a minute, the door of the room opened and shut. The room fell into silence. My hands were clutching hers in a tight grip, afraid I might lose her if my grip loosened.

she looked pale, her eyes closed, long lashes resting on her cheekbones. her lips were pink just like they always were but chapped and busted. I could see the blood seeping in the white sheets of the hospital from her head. it was bad, her hair covered most of her forehead but the bandages were tinged red. she was bleeding. her hands were wrapped in bandages.

"Miliani, can you hear me?" I whispered. the machine beside her bed beeped, indicating she can hear me. my other hand went to her hair, it was completely matted with blood. I lifted my hand and saw blood coating my fingers. quickly withdrawing my hand, I wiped the blood on my pant. not having courage to look at the red color.

How ironic, my hands have always been coated with blood of people I killed but when its her blood, I couldn't help but feel the thick liquid burning my skin. it's always the loved ones that hurt.

"what happened Miliani? why were you running? whom were you running from?" questions on why she was running on the street so late were circling my brain. what could have lead her to leave her house at midnight? did something happened? my only guess was to call her friends and ask if they know anything.

after dialing Karlos's number I waited for him to pick up, he did after three rings. 

"what do you want? Miliani isn't here. she left a few hours ago" his voice was groggy, meaning he just woke up from his slumber. 

"what happened to her?" I came straight to the point. I can't beat around the bush and think about their feelings getting hurt if they know about her current state. I need to know what happened prior to the accident. my eyes stayed on her throughout the conversation. I couldn't blink, not when she looked so fragile and weak.

"what do you mean what happened to her?" he sounded more alert now, his voice was less sluggish and more awake.

"Miliani met with an accident. she's in the hospital now" I finished. it was physically impossible for me to not flinch while looking at her hurt. the other line went silent for a few minutes until I could hear heavy breathing.

"wh-what? where is she? in which hospital?" I told him the hospital before he hung up. my mind was working in overdrive as I thought of what could've happened. the door to her room opened after five minutes and a nurse walked in. 

"did she regained her consciousness?" I shook my head, not in the mood to get vocal with her. she placed the tray on the bedside table before walking towards Miliani. she checked her pulse and all the other things that needs to be checked. I refrained myself from lashing out at the Nurse when she held Miliani's hand roughly.

"everything's fine. she seems to be having a speedy recovery" the nurse told me before picking up something from the silver tray she brought along with her. my eyes widened when I saw what she was holding. The piece of jewelry that I have been searching for more than a year. it was the Key.

"here, these are her belongings" she gave me the key locket before exiting the room. I stared at the Locket in my hand, I've been looking for this all over the world. my eyes went to Miliani, how does she have this locket?  I remember telling Layla to give it to her sister but I thought when the heart got stolen, the key must've got stolen too. 

it was with her all along. my brain went back to what Josh said the other day,

"Layla said something about a girl named Miliani, who was having problems in her relationship. At first, I didn't pay much attention to it but when she said something about a key. A key locket to be specific, I got scared. What if it's the key we're looking for, the one which was or is with Miliani?"

my mind was flooding with questions. why does Miliani has the key? the most prominent question being this.

"Don't you think, Miliani is the main suspect of everything? First, she has the heart that Boss gave to Layla. Secondly, she supposedly has the key to the heart as well, if we believe in what Layla said on the phone and third, if the key Layla was talking about isn't the same then she still has the actual key to the heart that Layla gave her. Miliani is somehow interconnected to everything related to the lockets which make her linked with Grey one way or another."

"are you really what you seem to be?" I couldn't help but ask. my hands find hers once again and this time the hold is tight enough to let any doubt seep in our bond. yes, I lied to her on every point in our relationship but I never let doubt to play its part, I was either the bad guy or the good but never a betrayer. sure, Miliani thinks that I lied to her about everything but what she doesn't know is that the love I feel for her is the purest. 

For the longest part of my life, I didn't know what was love. My Grammy love me and I love her too but I never felt the need to see her to start my day, I never felt this strange desire to stare at her every waking hour of the day just so I couldn't miss one of her smiles. 

This feeling of love fucked me up but in a good way and I'd rather stay fucked up than normal.

the Locket dangled between our fingers as if telling us that this is how it should, that we should do this together. I've had enough of this space. i can't stay away from her and I wont let her stay away from me, not after this accident. I cant afford to lose her. and as for the mystery of the locket and its link to Miliani I will ask her when she'll wake up.

so, I slipped my hands out of hers and stood up from the chair, leaning down and kissing her forehead. I know she'll be fine. she's strong. her eyes remained close. my only wish in these few seconds was to see her hazel eyes and her smile. I took a deep breath, not finding in me to leave her.

staying close to her for a few seconds, I breathed her in before straightening up and walking backwards. I need to get to the bottom of this. if Miliani is related to Grey than I have to found out how?

I need to find Grey.


Hello lovelies,

how are you all. I hope you like this chapter. and I want to thanks all of my readers, you are guys amazing.

I love you all.

please vote and comment.❤

until next time.

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