53 | the truth

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Miliani's POV

The clouds roared from outside my window, as the rain pelted down on the roof of my house. it was creating the perfect scenario for me to go out and relish the rain falling on my face but today I just couldn't bring myself to enjoy the only thing that could actually calm me. not when the memory card in my hand is still holding secrets.

I've been playing with this chip for two days, guessing what could be inside this. my mind has taken me into several new and unwanted directions but I compressed them and tried to stay cool.

I couldn't do it alone so I called Ailey and Karl, they have been my biggest support of all time and I know I wouldn't be able to do it without them. after all, this chip is associated with Layla, and I couldn't face anything about her, Alone.

"Are you only going to play with this?" Karl asked me. I sighed before pulling the laptop open and putting it between us.

Ailey and Karl sat beside me as I inserted the chip into a drive and injected it into my laptop. My breathing was so fast that I was afraid I'd run out of oxygen, and my heart was racing at a mile per second. Seeing what was inside the chip felt like betraying Layla, but it can also answer so many questions. 

 Gulping down the new wave of nausea, I opened the drive folder and saw three files, each with a different name. 

the first one was named "underworld Mob" while the other file seemed to be some business associated. there was another file named "surprise". Questions arose in my head. why would that guy give something like this to Layla? was he a part of this mob? or did he know about what was inside this chip? what is the surprise?

for a short moment, my mind flashed with the activities I saw in that warehouse. dread filled my heart. what if Caim is a part of this?

"Underworld Mobs?" Ailey asked, her eyes flashing with the same familiarity I was feeling. Meeting my eyes she gave me a questioning look. What if Caim is a part of these "mobs"?  she mouthed. 

"I don't know, it seems like someone did a whole research on this particular thing?" this time it was Karl and I don't think he could be more right. By the looks of the file names, I could tell someone has been doing their research on the Mafia crimes. what if it's the same guy who gave this locket to Layla? her crush?

"The folders are correlated to each other on terms, the first two at least but what does the third one mean?" he asked the question in my mind.

"I think we should check the third one first," Ailey said, I shake my head.

"I don't think so, my heart isn't ready to take another surprise right now" I breathed, what if this surprise is the actual reason Layla's crush gave her the locket.

"I think the third folder is originally for Layla" both Karl and Ailey nodded their head.

"it makes sense," she said, Karl moved his fingers on the laptop and clicked on the first file icon, I found myself closing my eyes, afraid of what would be inside.

"Shit!" Karl exclaimed. My eyes flew open from his exclamation. My eyes fixated on the screen. There were hundreds of names and the folder wasn't even loaded completely. I couldn't believe what I saw.

"Holy shit, this is the whole Mafia organization," he said. Karl's hand was hovering over the touchpad, his eyes raked through every name before he stopped on a specific one.

"guys look" he pointed towards a few names that I recognized instantly.

"Th-that's Kalem Rodrigo" my voice was so small I couldn't hear it myself.

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