26 | bliss

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Miliani's POV

After visiting Grace, I had to go. It was distressing to see her tethered to so many cables. I didn't know what to think after leaving her room. It was as if my mind went blank and I had no idea what was going on around me. What I could see was Layla lying in the same bed, surrounded by tubes and machines connected to her slow-beating heart. The agony was overwhelming, and I couldn't keep my feelings in check.

It was currently 10 pm and i was going back home. The ride home was completely silent, with only the radio playing in the background. Lucas remained silent, which I appreciated. I really needed to gather my thoughts and take a deep breath before continuing on with my day. He realised I wasn't in the mood to chat, so he just drove the car.

The previous interaction we had in the emergency room was odd. I'd never let myself tear down my inner walls that quickly, but in front of Lucas, it just happened. I was taken aback when I saw the expression of despair on his normally cheerful face, but a part of me was relieved that at least someone didn't ask me what was wrong, but just listened to me. I linked with Lucas in more than one way today. He was sincerely worried about what I was going through. He seemed to be able to envision it, which piqued my interest.

He returned to the hospital after dropping me off to see Caim. Caim did not return after leaving with the unknown man. Instead, he phoned Lucas' number and instructed him to drop me off at my place. It was no surprise to me that he was ignoring me. When that guy called Caim his boss, his face was a dead giveaway: big eyes and a slight frown forming between his brows. He appears to have been caught in the act of telling a major lie.

When I walked into my home, it was strangely silent, and darkness loomed over every single wall. The confines of this house began to disturb me once more. I took a deep breath and forced myself to remain calm, removing my shoes before turning on the lamp. I went into the kitchen.I was in a dire need of coffee to replenish my lost energy.

From being convinced by Lucas to visit Grace to seeing a vulnerable Caim, it had been a very hectic day, and coffee would help recover the little strength I had left for the day.

I wanted to call Karl and Ailee after I finished preparing the coffee because it had been a long time since we had our movie night, and it was the perfect way to let go of all the tension. I walked upstairs to get my phone after setting the steaming hot cup of coffee on the dining table. I recalled leaving my phone at home earlier today. It's always a mystery why I still forget to bring my phone when I really need it.

The wooden floor creaked under my feet, reminding me of all the horror movies I'd seen with Karlos and Ailee. They both swore they'd make a room with crosses hanging on the walls like the one in the movie if I didn't watch the conjuring with them. As a result, I ended up sleeping outside the bathroom. The rest of story is history. When the floor made a noise, my heart caught in my throat. Even if it was my home, these occurrences frightened me. I made it to my room, and it took all I had not to do a little victory dance.

just as I opened the door, a scream erupted from my mouth. Someone was sitting on my bed. Since there was no light on the second floor, I could only see his silhouette. hearing my scream he jerked his head in my direction. My heart was racing, and I could feel the rhythm pulsing through my ears. When he stood up and began walking towards me, I gulped loudly. He extended his hand, but I dashed downstairs before he could reach me.

I ran at full speed, most likely shading Usain Bolt. Learn from the master, eh? Coming downstairs, I dashed into the kitchen and hid behind shelves, praying to every god to keep me safe. I couldn't hear anything for 3 minutes until the creak of my wooden floor, which I should probably replace now. I was irritated because the person was walking casually at a normal pace. Murderers are supposed to be quiet and strategic, right?

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