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She hates this! Why must she be different?! Sure, she gets into a lot of fights, but she's defending herself with proof if they've brought in the cops. Sure, her grades are two points away from just failing, but she took on online courses to up make for that fully.

And sure, she doesn't have her own Quirk, but she makes up for her Quirk Analyzing which she has a College Degree for and a full legal license for it, but did she even have to be 'shipped' to THAT school?! She growls as she looks ready to murder someone really.

Once they're all told about their homeroom teacher and that they have to kill him, she frowns as this is not a legal thing and she had to ask personally herself if all of this is even legal and not a 'Child Solider' training thing like in Africa which's making many to shiver at that one.

"No, that's not going to happen. He would destroy half of the planet if he explodes and we need you all to kill him before the deadline of next year in March. Your welcome to use what we give and your own Quirks. No matter how 'weak' they are, you may use them.

Now then, I'll be your Phys. Ed teacher for the year and helping you out with lessons." She sits back down after her question was answered as she doesn't like this. Her cousin's also worried as this is bad for both of them.

One wants to be a Heroine, one doesn't know what he wants to be and their second cousin wants to be a Bachelor in the government making this to be stupid as all three did online schooling to get what they want as she always though of him as a teacher.

He explains better and it doesn't hurt her head trying to figure it out. They learned a lot of skills and when their cousin showed up four days early than he should have, they're happy as he beat the crap of their 'new' couch who calls himself their 'father'.

Then the accident where she panicked so badly, she'd fully unlocked her Quirks. Yes, her Quirks with a 'S' to it making her to panic before their sensei calms her down and helped her with training of them to keep herself from getting hurt.

Boy was her mother pissed about that as it's when she's on an island as a class trip making her Phys. Ed teacher to explain as he didn't expect it and wants her apologize which he got before asking and she's relieved as her daughter does have one.

Now with this new treat to their teacher, she snapped and her blood lust came out covering a major radius and area making many to sweat and fear her as her killer instincts was also the same which's making the two new threats to shiver at her.

Only her two cousins can calm her down making her to lean into one of them as she calms. They all have blood on their hands cause of the 'threats' to their own lives which's fully meant for their teacher who's royally pissed and the very government had no excuse since they didn't order it.

She saw who and she had kept her boyfriend from being hurt as she kicks the two doors down before marched in pulling all of them out and shuts the door before she glares at the very much 'principal' of her school. Her boyfriend had actually saw her kill his own father.

He still accepted her as he left and helps making her to sigh as her two cousins got over her fully dating him as his skills not only caught up, but has almost gone passed their own skills. Her's is one no one can beat as she's been training twenty-four/seven.

Learning new skills is major and she's learning new ones fast cause of one of her Quirks. Everyone got one since she had found a way making them to see their levels and skills making them to smile/smirk since they won't stop. Now... Now they need to save their teacher.

She's the one to figure it out and knows his true name's actually Ryushi Korogane making him to be happy to know it since he never did and a fake body's going to be impossible with the gloves and it's even more impossible to make them.

They almost lost a friend, they saw their teacher kill his old student and now they must kill him now making them to hold him down as her cousin went to kill him, but her boyfriend crawls behind him and held him for support as their teacher calms him down.

They all wail as they cry for their teacher making them to all be angry at the very government and they hate them for this mess as they brought the land of plot and also made a grave mark for their teacher as both 'Korosensei' and 'Ryushi Korogane'.

They'd even pushed each other with their Quirks making them to be stronger now. They all passed the high school with every college degree to the very normal school classes as she fully plans to actually go Heroine. Heck! She plans to attend U.A to get her license from there.

They support each other better as a big family making them all to keep coming to train and work on their skills since they've a license to have guns and knives, but she needs it the most cause for one of her five Quirks fully.

When she saved her childhood friend/playmate from the Sludge Villain, she did it as a assassin hit making him to be dead fully as no one heard the fire of a gun thanks to a silencer. She hides her gun and bolts from the scene of the crime.

When the number one Hero said she can be a Hero, she accepted his training and power making her to keep most of her skills hidden from the school and watch out for the principal cause of her old murdered one as every single thing could go wrong.

She has to hide her 'tattoo'《☆◇》right on her right shoulder as she will be needing a Heroine costume to cover that up as it's done with a hot iron when she and her two cousins were fully kidnapped and they never wanted to lose it never ever.

She worried about the teachers would think, but she then shrugs as she doesn't care anymore before doing his training for the next ten months making her to let her family know since her mother has nothing against it.

She has her normal school college degrees hanging up with her Bachelor one since it works with a lot of paperwork and forms as a Pro-Heroine, but her mother didn't know it's actually to help handle the blasted paperwork and forms as the very Vic-Principal of her boyfriend's own school.

'All well. Best to not even tell her about it really. Glad he took over the school really.'

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