Sport Fest Festival part 3

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Monoma got them above the many boulders and had both Dark Shadows fight them as they need a new plan and fast before Monoma had his Dark Shadow and Tokoyami's to grab the two and then toss them out of the ring making them to win the match.

"Never ever do I want to go up against the fast tail duo ever again."

"I completely agree with you there fully." Kikiyo's impressed with that match as this is turning out much better and with the floating screen to show an above look, many can see what's happening in the matches. Bakugou Katsuki and Kirishima Eijiro vs Nirengeki Shoda and Tsuyu Asui's next.

Bakugou's doing the attacking and Kirishima's doing the whole defending thing as Asui used her tongue to wrap around Bakugou and Kirishima had tackle her making Bakugou to use his explosions to save himself before Kirishima's below him.

Bakugou's now standing on Kirishima's shoulders making him to let lose as Shoda blocks using Twin Impact before Kirishima bolts towards them and jumps as Bakugou uses his explosions to launch them faster at them and Kirishima kicks them both.

Both were out of ring making Bakugou and Kirishima to pass as that was awesome making Aizawa to be pleased with his problem children as they're working now together with others to win as this is a major turn for them.

Shoto Todoroki and Mina Ashido vs Yosetsu Awase and Ibara Shoizaki's next making Ashido to mention her acids and if some might work with his ice as it might melt and lands onto them making him to see why she would think that one.

The match starts and lots of vines showed up making Ashido to get in front of Todoroki and melted the vines with her acids before he freezes the ground keeping in mind of Ashido making her to use her own acids to keep herself safe.

Awase had welded both Ashido and Todoroki's hands together making her to blush as she's quick to apologies to Todoroki who doesn't mind as her acids should deal with it and then Recovery Girl can heal him up making Ashido to agree as she uses them and frees themselves.

She even turned her acids into alcohol to be put onto the wound before wrapping it up and then Todoroki froze it to keep it there as they're more careful of their opponents. Todoroki shots ice and Ashido counters making them to miss the ice and acids.

Todoroki used that chance and their opponents were sliding out of the ring and into the hallway making Ashido to cheer as she hugs Todoroki as that's awesome making him to pat her on the back. Aizawa smiles as Todoroki figured out something from the match.

Mei Hatsume and Toro Hagakure vs Hanta Sero and Hitoshi Shinso's next and Aizawa wonders how this is going to work out as he can see Hatsumi making something fast for Hagakure to use as a weapon of sorts while Sero explains his Quirk to Shinso who nods.

Hatsume gave Hagakure a war hammer from the Warhammer game making her to also make sure it's easier to carry and to use for Hagakure's statuette. Sero tries to trap Hatsume, but she used her gadgets making Shinso to try and get either one to talk.

Both remained quiet as Hagakura enjoys her new weapon and Sero had to dodge from fully being a 'Whack-A-Mole' from that hammer making many to laugh as he fully shouts it out making Shinso to be flinching at that.

Shinso hates that he can't use his Quirk making him to fight as he used Aizawa's cloth making Sero to trick them for Shinso to fully capture them which works out making them to pass onwards which leaves only fourteen competitors left.

It's making Midnight to wonder how she's going to handle this as Kikiyo noticed that the thirty minutes is now two hours to let people go to the bathroom and stuff making both her and Naomi to take a nap as they need the rest.

What no one knows is that it took Kikiyo ⅞ of her MP to bring out the boulders. She's tired and she still had somehow fully managed to fight in her and Naomi's match. Naomi and Kikiyo fully cuddles together making many to awe at them and left them be as All Might took a picture of the two.

He sent it over to Karasuma who thanked him for it as apparently, Kikiyo's fiancé wants a copy making him to make it his wall paper making him to not have anything covering it as it's too cute to cover it up making Karma and Nagisa to shake their heads at him.

Even Nagia and Karma agrees with him as well as the others, but they don't have that picture fully. Nagisa and Kanayo are growing stronger and not blushing around each other anymore as Karma and Okuda are so close, that they plan to marry.

Though Kanayo knows young actress can't marry young, so plans to have a promise ring instead until she can marry. Nezu saw both Kikiyo and Naomi fully napping making him to leave them be as it seems both are very tired and need to rest.

It's making him to fully wonder more about them as they are very different from everyone else and the address... How can they live there? He's very curious about them and wonders more as both seem to be trained very well and the gun usage is...

'It's... Weird as it seems there's more to them than meets the eye really.' He walks away and left them not knowing Ritsu's fully spying on him and recorded his thoughts on the two for the others back home to listen to fully.

Both Kikiyo and Naomi's gently shaken awake and they saw Iida making them to nod as they slept well and Kikiyo's MP's back to normal as it's time for the next matches to start which's Kikiyo herself going up against Todoroki himself.

Kikiyo never liked Endeavor and hates him to the every core of her very being as he asked her to give Todoroki a very good match making her to glare and her fox parts were out fast before she extremely wounded him badly with twenty bullet wounds to keep him down fully.

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