Sport Fest Festival part 7

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Kikiyo didn't even mind lending weapons from her Quirk making it to be even more awesome. Vlad King saw Monoma using a pistol with rubber bullets making him to see he might be able to get him one as he seems to know how to hold one.

'Not to mention to not shoot at everything that moves really without checking it out first.' It's making him to be proud of that boy and then he saw Monoma going from using the pistol on Kikiyo to fully using a...

'Is that a sword from the anime show Bleach?' Vlad King thinks as it looks like the one that Ichigo Kurosaki uses, but it's in it's Bankai form making him to wonder about this as it seems Kikiyo has a lot more skills up her sleeves.

'If she has a replica of that sword in it's Bankai state.' Kikiyo won against the Monoma as she has him tied up making her to chuckle before Midnight called the match making Vlad King to have Monoma to be with him up in the booth.

Present Mic went crazy on the commentary of the match making many to love it as Naomi's up against Bakugou if Kikiyo didn't making it a battle royal between the four of them making everyone to cheer loudly at this.

Bakugou, Kikiyo, Shi so and Naomi's the last battle and everyone got a break as Kikiyo went for a two hour nap making Bakugou to rage while Naomi had pulled Ashido into a closet and kissed her senselessly making her to lose it and then she fully just demeaned Naomi to marry her.

"Sure, you are my type of girl anyway." Ashido blushes as she got kissed again making her to lose it and lean into Naomi's space more. Midnight caught the two and she's blushing up a storm before pulling them both out and got Ashido into the stands to watch the match.

Once break's over, Kikiyo saw Naomi being pulled by Midnight to the area as she chuckles since both her and Ashido must of been having fun kissing each other which even both Bakugou and Shinso laughs about it as Ashido's sooo going to be teased good for this.

Bakugou launches explosions after explosions once the match started making Kikiyo to dodge fully and Naomi jumps very high with Shinso whacking Bakugou in the head from behind making Bakugou to go after him fast.

Kikiyo has a chain and pulled him down making him to launch himself at her making Naomi to jump him to the floor. Kikiyo slams a punched into Bakugou's chest once he managed to get Naomi off his back.

Hitohsi took that chance to punch and kick Bakuogu before him to hit a boulder hard as he doesn't hold back making both Naomi and Kikiyo to whine at that. Bakugou had to get back up as there's no way he's going to lose to two girls and a boy.

Kikiyo and Naomi were combating fighting with knives now making them to be good as they keep on circling around and fighting making everyone back home to be very surprised by their very much increasement of speed before Bakugou unleased a large explosion at them both.

Kikiyo had to protected both her and Naomi plus Shinso as a blue barrier's fully around them and once the smoke cleared, everyone saw a card's on the floor in Kikiyo's hands as her eyes were glowing the same blue making Naomi to sigh at this.

"Had to use those cards?" Kikiyo snaps out of it.

"They're part of my fourth Quirk! I used THAT Quirk to have it to use the cards!" Naomi sighs as she whacks Kikiyo up the head.

"Gha! Why?!" Kikiyo anime cries making many to laugh as this to getting too much making even Aizawa to chuckle as he can't get those two. Bakugou then fully launches himself at them and Kikiyo legs him out of the ring making him to be out of the match.

"Bakugou Katsuki OUT! Fourth Place!" He hates it, but he'll accept it as Naomi, Shinso and Kikiyo deck it out before Naomi's also kicked out of the ring as Bakugou caught her fast as there's is no way he's going to let her hit the ground head first.

"Karasuma-Jelavic-Korogane Naomi OUT! Third Place!" Kikiyo and Shinso's the last two standing making Kikiyo to be careful as she doens't need to be brainwashed making her to have an idea and she's quick to execute it making Shinso to be on guard.

Kikiyo's quick to go full fox and blasted Fox Fire straight at Shinso as she does a Fire Wheel making him to be shocked as it's to hot and large making the ground to melt cause of this before he dodges, but she rolls back and knocks him out making Naomi to catch him fast.

"Shinso Hitoshi OUT! Second Place! Ladies and Gentleman, our first place winner's Midoriya Kikiyo!" Everyone cheers as that match was awesome making all four to blush as All Might's so proud of Kikiyo making class 3e and Inko to cheer for her.


"Our daughter did so well in her matches, Tadaomi!" Karasuma agrees as everyone's happy they managed to get to the top four. Kikiyo isn't going to do any kind of internships as something else is happening and that's going to be fully making her busy and she needs to focus on it.

"Alright. Let us know when you finished early." Kikiyo promised and bows in respect to both of Nezu and All Might before leaving the office and headed home for the week as they are going to stop Hero Killer, Stain one way or another.

'He's not going to be fully killing anymore Heroes if I have any say in it as he's going to be killed by us 3e if we ever get tired of just playing with him fully in our dear forest as this is our territory and we fully play by our own rules here more so making him to be in big trouble from us 3e kids really.'

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