Sport Fest Festival part 6

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Monoma vs Kaminari's next up making Monoma to copy his Quirk and figure out how to use it fast as he only has five minutes to use it really. Kaminari's more careful of Monoma, but Monoma managed to get it and hides from him good as he thinks and noticed the weakness.

'Shit! Focus! You can do this!' Monoma saw Kaminari's back and snaps his fingers and Kaminari got zapped making him to duck fast as he had managed to figure out Kaminari's Quirk and just might talk about it as it seems he doesn't like frying his brain.

Monoma accidentally snapped his fingers nine times before doing the tenth one at Kaminari and he's knocked out unconscious fully making Monoma to flinch as there is blood leaving his mouth, nose and ears making Kikiyo to get him to Recovery Girl a.s.a.p.

Midnight agrees and Monoma has a shocked look as his hands were shaking making him to dash after Kikiyo as he needs to apologies to Kaminari making Jiro to go with him as her father wants to meet the young man.

Nezu calls for a thirty minute break as he plans to check up on two of his students and pay for any medical bills they may need making many to feel that Nezu's taking his student's care seriously making him to know the AI girl, Ritsu's doing that one for him.

'She seems to want to keep the school going. I got nothing fully against it really.' All Might's surprised by how much the Sport Fest Festival's changed as Kikiyo had adding a new one in making many to see new skills and what they can work on.

It's making the internships to be fun for them as Ritsu warned Kikiyo and she had unleashed the Assassin side of class 3e making them to shot bullets at Stain, the Hero Killer making Tensei Iida to be saved as he can continue to be a Hero, just needs to lay low until that bastard's captured.

Nagisa's in charge of that one and he managed to throw a tracking device onto him making Kikiyo to watch out making her to thank them as both Karasuma and Irene were very impressed greatly with Nagisa's actions as that's a perfect throw as well, too.

Kikiyo's up against Monoma and realized he copies Quirks from others from touching them and she smirks as there's nothing against it as just might work as her's is last as she saw Bakugou and Tokoyami going up first making her to enjoy this.

Bakugou's impressed with Tokoyami as he learned a new trick and he might not use it until he has it trained making him to have an advantaged over him as 'Fire' makes 'Light' and his very 'Explosions' makes 'Light' making him to win.

Tokoyami has to be very careful around Bakugou as he can make light making him to think, but he remembers that there's shadows and Dark Shadow can hide him inside of them as long as he has space to breath, it should be fine making Dark Shadow to nod.

The match started and no one can find Tokoyami at all making Bakugou to look fully just about everywhere and above before Dark Shadow had wrapped around him and he can't break free making him to be very worried about his explosions near that area.

He focus and made his sweat explode from his arms, chest, back and legs as long as it's not near that area making him to hurt all over the place making Kikiyo to be furies with Bakugou for that as he could of killed himself.

Dark Shadow let go and Bakugou knocked Tokoyami out with a single punch to the face making Bakugou to win the match and he saw Kikiyo's furies face as she pulls him away and slams him into the wall making his injuries on his back to hurt like hell.

He then felt her on his chest as wetness hit his chest making him to realized that she may be furies with him right now, but she's ACTUALLY very scared of losing him making him to hug her tightly as she cries making Aizawa to pull both into a hug which helps calm her down even more.

Naomi vs Sero's next making Kikiyo to wonder how this match is going to turn out as she can feel a sorting someone's staring at Naomi making her to whisper into her ear making her to blush and hides her face behind her bangs as that's...

"That's not I want to hear really, Midoriya!" Ashido whisper-shouts making Kikiyo to giggle as she did it cause Naomi's in love with her as well, too making Ashido to blush more as steam was coming from her head at that declare of love.

Sero and Naomi were fighting down there when this was fully happening as Sero can't seem to hit Naomi who's good at hiding herself and doing sneak attacks making him to be tied up in his own tape that she used as a rope from three lop pieces.

Kikiyo and Monoma went down and everyone saw Kikiyo on top of a boulder making everyone to wonder what's going on as Kikiyo has a smirk on her face making them to shiver as Nezu and All Might wonder what Kikiyo's up to if she has that look on her face.

Monoma couldn't see what is it that Kikiyo's doing and Kikiyo knows what she's doing as she's at South point and Monoma's at North point making him to rush in once the match starts as Kikiyo saw Monoma about to use Dark shadow and she drops straight down onto him.

"LIKE A BIRD OF PREY!" The crowd shouts making Kikiyo to laugh as she agrees with them. Monoma told her to not do that, but she told him that they can use any fighting style they want and she has a lot making her to bring out a wooden pole twice her height.

"Shall we tango?" He grinned evil as Kikiyo triggered something inside of him as he bounced onto her making her to keep up as everyone's cheering loudly for them as Kikiyo has fully managed to get him to use so many different skills actually.

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