Saving Bakugou

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Kikiyo's furies as she has fox eyes making the whole 3e class to look murderous as they aren't pleased with what had happened as Naomi joins them making Aizawa to wonder where those two girls are until he realized where and then he's hypnotized to fully forget something.

Kikiyo and Naomi plus class 3e found Bakugou thanks to Ritsu making them to have their outfits on as they're at a bar making them to sneak in as Ritsu has it for them. She went into their t.v and stays out of site to keep this fully stealth-mode.

It's fully making her to see that Bakugou's sitting on a chair with something on his hands and on face plus his ankles making her to show this to the group making them to not like this as they also noticed a warehouse with a lot of Nomus inside of it.

Kikiyo splits the group into two: Team Assassin and Team Ballistic making Karasuma to be with Team Ballistic who's going to be saving Bakugou while Team Assassin has Irena helping them out with the Nomus to take them out.

Kikiyo wasn't going to let this fully stand as she gave the signal and they attacked the Nomus fast with bullets to the head and then burnt the mother fuckers to ashes. Once that's happening, Team Ballistic went in making them to have fully something covering their faces.

The League of Villains were fully shocked as one member of Team Ballistic sneaks over and they removed the mask before placing a finger on his lips as she carefully frees him as a fight's fully happening in front of them. Kikiyo growls at the leader making him to shake.

Bakugou's freed and the person managed to fully sneak him out of there in different clothing just like theirs making it easier to hide him as the League of Villains were just getting badly hurt and would be in need of a doctor soon. Kikiyo had knocked their leader unconscious.

She even sent his clothing on fire making one to blast his own to save him as they got out of there and the Pro-Heroes would never know about this night at all. Bakugou saw All Might fifty blocks away and the group's nowhere to be seen.

"Just gone." All Might's happy he's alright and got him away as Bakugou never told as he was fully blindfolded. It's hard, but it's sort of the truth as he does owe them for saving his life like they did, but he swears he knows two of the girls.

'Deku... Tentacle girl... Who are you truly?' Bakugou thinks as he got home and he's hugged by his mom since it's a fast saved making him to hug her back since she wouldn't have seen him again if it wasn't for that group of people.

'Who saved young Bakugou? This is not a normal Vigilante thing. And those clothing... I must ask.' All Might thinks as he phones and asked making him to get a 'can't conform nor deni it' which's all he needs to hear.

He did say thanks for saving him making him to get a 'you're welcome' on the other line. All Might's surprised with how fast they got to them and he wasn't going to ask nor explain it to Nezu as they deserved to have at least some privacy.

Kikiyo's napping on Asano's lap as all of those Nomus were gone, Bakugou's safe and All For One got a couple of bullets into his body to keep him done for a long time plus in Tartarus until she's older to fight him fully. Kikiyo also did it as revenged to what he did to All Might.

"How's Kikiyo doing?" Karma asked as he doens't like Kikiyo being like this.

"Tired, but other than that, she's fine." Asano said as he never left her side since they came back from that rescue mission of Bakugou Katsuki.

"Oh thank god."

"She's scary with red colored fox eyes really." Many agreed to that as Asano gently combs his fingers through her hair making her to sigh and relaxed even more as Asano knows how to hit those spots on her head. She still hates All For One and plans to end him fully.

'One way or another.' Asano thinks as he takes a nap with her and wasn't going to be be letting her go ever. Karasuma did give All Might a full report when he came over and Irena also had some drinks and food ready making the two know that All Might's a ally.

All Might's shocked, but can't change that as Kikiyo's far too quick and she got him out of there fast making it to be a good first time rescue mission and he saw no faults in how she split the two teams up which got Karasuma to explain her idea for the mission.

"Still think your training wasn't right to teach them, but it does give them something to do and sharps their self-defenses up as far as I can see, but does both young Midoriya and young Karasuma-Jelavic-Korogane usually laugh like they did?" All Might asked.


"Thought so. I won't stop them, but I want them to have a normal life even if it's boring." All Might said as Irena had to explain that one and how they all had to actually kill to fully defend themselves cause of this and they changed fully from this.

"Plus normal isn't their cup a tea at all." All Might didn't like that, but he can't change the past.

"I'll leave this talk to that and let you keep an eye on them." All Might left as he can't believe what both Kikiyo and her friends had to go through, but luckily they had each other and their two teachers to rely on fully in their lives.

'I don't think I can even handle that can of life style like they can as I did see their videos and I can tell that they're going to be alright without help since they have a semi-normal thing going on right now.' All Might can let them live as they choice to thanks to that fully.

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