Chaos and Destruction part 1

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AN: Recap on the teams and dead/captured/kidnapped/MIA. Class 1a Teams: Team 1: Jirou, Hagakure, Asui. Team 2: Yaoyorozu, Kaminari, Sero. Team 3: Uraraka, Iida, Koda. Team 4: Shouji, Kirishima, Sato. Team 5: Ojirou, Shinso, Ashido. Team 6: Aoyama, Todoroki, Bakugou, Tokoyami.

Dead (Class 1a): Hagakure.

Captured (Class 3e): Okajima.

Kidnapped/MIA (Class 1a): Ashido.


Kikiyo can't believe that Aizawa had allowed this as Ashido's going to be unconscious by the very time this Capture the Flag's over with as Naomi's still going to be doing it with her making Naomi to be enjoying herself as she can stop Ashido from being unconscious fully.

'Hope Aizawa-sensei knew what he's expecting when he asked us two to be part of class 3e's side cause Ashido's going to be twice as drained and weak as that blond Villainess cause I'm not going to save her from Naomi. No sir. Not going to do it. Nope.' Kikiyo's not a risk taker like that.

Iida wouldn't say that he's great friends with Koda. Sure, Uraraka's his very good friend, but Koda's sort of shy. Unassuming. Almost invisible. He looked around, his feet just ready to go do something as he looks around the area to find class 3e members.

"Can you ask any animals for their locations?" Koda went towards an ant hole and whispered quietly to them, too quiet for Iida to hear any words. The ants marched in a quick, almost frightening pace and disappeared into the thicket of the branches.

Then a quick screech that they knew appeared. Uraraka, Iida and Koda quickly ran towards the source of the scream to see Okajima covered in the creepy bugs. Koda got the ants off them as Iida put on the capture tape.

It looks like they had a chance after all, but Kikiyo knows that class 1a is going to lose and in a big way as she's not going to forgive Bakugou for how he trust their friendship down through the mud as this is not going to be easy for him at all ever. Nope.

Ojirou didn't know how they got into this mess. A ball was thrown at them and then this? Sugino had appeared and now Shinso's battling him. The only problem's that they covered their very mouths, so that he couldn't tell whether they responded or not.

Ojirou himself was battling Karma based on what he heard from Kikiyo. Karma had grown black horns, wings and a tail as he looked like he's MADE for combat. Karma's probably the toughest opponent he had ever fought to this day.

Ashido's missing and Ritsu didn't say she's dead yet, but every single time Ojirou and Shinso look for her, they can't see her, so that they risk getting hitting. A gunshot. they dodged and then Ritsu appeared on their screen and announced.

"Ashido's now officially Missing In Action (MIA)!" Both Karma and Sugino whined as that means only one thing to them both and they feel bad for Ashido since they saw Naomi take Ashido away and Ritsu Mobile had just announced it meaning Naomi told Ritsu Mobile to announce it.

'Nao-chan has her fiancée in her hold.' Naomi did tell Ritsu Mobile to announced that Ashido's MIA making Ritsu Mobile to nod to her as Ashido. With Ashido being an MIA, Ojirou found himself unable to focus. That's when he made a mistake.

He looked at Shinso and a slash of blue later, he's been 'slit' across the throat making poor Shinso to look shocked as he didn't think of this happening plus Kikiyo's trying to hold in her laughter as best as she can as Asano did that shot himself thanks to Kikiyo.

"Ojirou is now out!" A voice rang and he sighed as he fell down onto the ground.

"Let's spar later." Karma said and Ojirou smiled. At least Karma's a good sport. Ojirou didn't know that Okuda had threatened Karma with no cuddles if he did anything mean to Kikiyo and Naomi's classmates. Shinso's now in a difficult position.

He had two people battling him and he couldn't do anything to get out of the situation. Another gunshot. This time to the back. Shinso looked up. A girl with glasses and braids was just hanging up in the tree and she's upset down making him to wonder how she's doing that.

"Great job, Okuda!" Karma said and Okuda smiled down at her boyfriend.

"If I can't beat anyone by myself, I might as well help you guys with some sneak attacks with Asano's help. Besides, it's not like I have any chemicals with me to help you guys out."

''This would be over in an instant." Sugino said and the two Heroes-in-training's eyes widened. Just how good was or is this girl in chemistry?

"See you later!" Karma sang as they went back into the trees. Ojirou could only stare. How could they go through the trees that fast and quietly? And why the trees? Are they Tarzan or something there? Yaoyorozu would admit that when it came to studies, she's great at it.

First in the entrance exam and she had almost a perfect grade in middle school, BUT even SHE couldn't do what these three girls were doing. Okana and Yada were swinging through the trees like it's natural. Two of them were doing flips while they're at it.

Sero desperately threw tape through the trees. Yaoyorozu created a blanket so that she could cover Sero and herself since Kaminari's about to use his Quirk to hit the three girls to stop them making Kikiyo to see how this would work out for him.

"Indiscriminate Shock 1 Million Volts!" Kaminari yelled as he let out a war cry. He did it enough times, so that they could capture the two, but not enough to go dumb. The smoke cleared and the tape's in cinders, butut there wasn't anyone around.

"Dang it." Sero said.

"Did they get away?"

"Nope!" Three voices said. Wait. Three? Three people dropped down from the trees and pierced their knives where their heart's were. Yaoyorozu's able to deflect it just in time, but not Sero and Kaminari. They're both out of the game fast cause of this.

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