Sport Fest Festival part 5

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Naomi vs Kirishima's next and it's making Kikiyo to know Naomi's dad and mama are watching as Naomi's next up. Kirishima doesn't know how to fight her and he worries about hurting her too much. Naomi's ready as she did have permission to use that Quirk.

Kirishima's whacked by it making him see tentacles that are rounded and no suction cups were on it making him to see them coming from both her neck and hair making him to cut them all and saw them regenerate two from the cut and then split apart.

Everyone's shocked as she's panting meaning it took a lot out of her to do that. Kikiyo's fully worried as Naomi might just do something to get her MP back as sleeping may be one of them, but it's not the only option.

Kikiyo kept an eye on Naomi more than the others fully as Naomi knocks Kirishima out of the ring making her to be the winner. Kikiyo has Naomi napping in her arms as she needs it more right now as Ashido vs Tokoyami's next.

It's making Aizawa to wonder how this match's going to go as it looks different. The obstacles are still there and it gives them a shield and a way to trap their opponents as Ashido uses her acids making Tokoyami to dodge and hide.

He did fully accidentally overhear Kikiyo mumbling to herself about Dark Shadow making him to listen and he's shocked to what she had said as he never thought of doing that with Dark Shadow making him to wonder if it'll work.

"Tokoyami could use Dark Shadow as a body armor to protect himself from getting hurt, wings to fly to see from a bird's point eye view of the area and Dark Shadow could shoot out shadow spears/swords/arrows/needles from his mouth to keep enemies far away." Kikiyo mumbled that time.

"Dark Shadow..." Dark Shadow showed himself as he also heard what Kikiyo's mumbling about which means she KNEW they're there and SAID it anyway to fully HELP them get EVEN stronger making them to think of a thank you gift later.

Dark Shadow went up and opened it's mouth before shooting Shadow Needles at Ashido fast and she screams in full pain as some of the needles hit her in the lung, liver, kidneys, arms, legs, shoulders and it also had hit her on her left side.

It's making her to fully look like a human sized pincushion there making Tokoyami to flinch as Dark Shadow hides his eyes with his hands since he can't look at her making Ashido to groan as she's in great pain making a full giant fox on blue fire with white fire for markings to jump down.

"Kikiyo?" Tokoyami asked as the giant 'fox' went human showing it's her before going back as she went and gently picked Ashido up with her mouth and looks fully to Midnight who nods as she then declares Tokoyami the winner and that's all Kikiyo needs as she bolts.

Tokoyami caught a ride as he's fully worried about his classmate making Present Mic to talk about this as Tokoyami's a great friend to have and Ashido's lucky to have him as one, too. Recovery Girl's shocked when she saw Ashido and got to work fast.

"I'm sorry, Ashido." Ashido laughs before groaning in pain as the needle's moving deeper inside her making her to calm him down as he didn't expect this to happen and should only aim at the joints next time and to do lots of training which he agrees to.

Kikiyo sighs of relief as she called lots of doctors to help Recovery Girl as this is going to be a long day for her as Tokoyami stays as Asui came to keep him and Ashido some companion as he looks like a kicked bird with a broken wing.

Shinso vs Jiro's next as she keeps quiet as she doesn't plan to be brainwashed making Shinso to watch out for her earphone jacks as she could stab him in the ears making him to watch out as Jiro went on the move making him to dodge.

Shinso can tell he's in a pickle and needs a plan until he had fully overheard Kikiyo mumbling about ventriloquism making him to think as it might work making him to have a sore throat later on afterwards making him to take a deep breath.

"Kyoka?" Jiro froze as Shinso wonders if he picked wrong for her, but was proven wrong there.

"D-Dad?" Shinso took it and Kikiyo had Kyoka's real dad there by the stairs making many to think Nezu as Kyoka's told to walk out of the ring making her to do so and once she snaps out of it, her parents were there making her to cry into their arms.

Aizawa had saw Shinso rubbing his throat as he's going to be needing some training there as Kikiyo gave him some home remedy as it's made from one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, one teaspoon of honey, the juice from a one fourth lemon and a dash of cayenne pepper powder.

It helps his throat as he takes two sips and shivers a bit as Kikiyo knows how to do this and it still taste bad like she had to do this for many. Aizawa's still trying to figure out how Kikiyo made his new eye drops as he can smell it.

Lavender Oil, Rose Water and Aloe Vera. He's surprised how it made his eyes more watery as it seems he can use his Quirk longer thanks to this. (AN: I looked them up for medical herbs and that's what I got, though the eye one I mixed together as they do help with dry eyes)

Kikiyo uses medical herbs a whole lot back home making it easier since you can grow them making her to be in charge of the green house and the medical supplies at the dormitory for class 3e fully making her to love it as it's fun to do and she grows vegetables as well, too also.

'It's supper fun and I love doing it soo much!'

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