Capture the Flag! Assassin Way! part 1

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Aizawa's shocked as Kikiyo's already engaged and has a future husband while the girls were jealous, but Ashido and Naomi as those two are engaged as well, too as they all don't have boyfriends yet and yet here's Kikiyo and Naomi who're engaged already.

Bakugou's shocked as Kikiyo's going to be married once she's done U.A like Naomi to Ashido making him to not know how to feel as the males feel jealous to Asano making him to steal a kiss form Kikiyo in front of everyone making her to blush at those actions.

"Oi, Deku! Does auntie even fucking know about this shit?!" Bakugou shouts.

"She does and welcomed Asano to the family. Karma and Nagisa are my cousins as well, too."

"WHAT?!" Kikiyo loved how everyone freaked out about her being engaged to Asano making her to chuckle at their faces as one asked if they're lying and everyone in class 3e shouts no at them making them to complain about this fully which Kikiyo doens't care.

"You'll find them out there soon." They whine that both she and Naomi aren't fair and then Kikiyo told them that life ain't fair making them to whine still about her and Naomi not being fair before Aizawa clears his throat at them all.

"Alright." Aizawa said and Class 1a gathered around to hear what they were going to do.

"We're going to do Capture the Flag." He said and Class 3e cheered, but Class 1a's confused.

"But doesn't capture the flag don't have anything to do with training? What's a game going to teach us?" Aizawa looked at Uraraka and huffed.

"Capture the Flag might seem like a silly game but once you add certain details, it makes it more realistic. For starters, you will be in this forest." He waved his hand slightly at the forest behind him making Kikiyo to hide her chuckles.

"And Class 3e will have rubber knives and paint guns. You will have your quirks." Class 1a nodded and Iida brought his hand up.

"How will this improve our hero training?" Aizawa looked at him and opened his mouth when Kikiyo interrupted him.

"It's simple really, Iida. You should know this since me and Naomi showed it when we went up against you and Kaachan in All Might's first class." Both blushed and many chuckled at them.

"I want to forget about it, please." Iida said to her.

"Fine. Think about it. Not all rescues are in open fields or cities. Not only that, it'll work on stealth and teamwork to not get caught. Besides, it's Capture the Flag. Sometimes, you need to get something like a bomb from villains or something." She explained and Aizawa nodded.

"Exactly, Problem Child."

"No proble, Dadzawa." Aizawa almost choked on his spit at Kikiyo's response. Shinso snorted and smirked.

"You can't deny it now, Kikiyo's my unofficial sister. DADZAWA." Class 3e cackled at the exasperated look on Aizawa's face while Class 1a just chuckled.

"Alright." He said and looked around.

"Now, Class 3e, grab your weapons, and Class 1a, grab your capture tape, and both classes should make their way over and strategize. Kikiyo and Naomi, stay back for a second." The two teams walked over towards their flags.

Aizawa told both girls what they were required to do and that Class 3e knew of it. Kikiyo and Naomi, on the outside, nodded. However, behind their mask, they began to smirk and cackle as they're going to be having fun with this more than Aizawa would think.

Each person had a walkie-talkie that connected to Aizawa's phone, like a Zoom meeting. It's so that Aizawa could announce announcements. He also trusted the two classes to be honest, but just in case, he had the walkie talkies to listen in.

Ritsu Mobile appeared on his screen and reported that everyone's ready. Aizawa looked up at the sky. He had a funny feeling that Problem Child and Naomi would make a mess out of things. Kikiyo hid in the middle of the two flags with two knives and a gun in hand.

Perched on a tree, she thanked her green hair. It'd be a good disguise of sorts and besides - No one would notice. Class 1a would assume and that'd be their downfall. Kikiyo would be certain of it as Naomi plans to take down Ashido herself making no one to get in her way.

Uraraka wasn't convinced of their strategy. Sure, it was effective in the city, but in a forest? Not to mention, a forest they barely knew? When Ritsu Mobile appeared on their phones, they'd fully just panicked.

It took Kikiyo, Naomi, Aizawa and Ritsu herself explained that she's an AI that had emotions. Who made her? Rich people. Of course. Their class's strategy was to split up into groups of three, with one group of four. Kikiyo and Naomi could probably stand their own ground.

Besides, they had already have gone off on their own. Todoroki had included this in his plan for Kikiyo and Naomi to 'sneak attack' them. Uraraka still had a funny feeling about this which she should. The rules were simple making it easier for them to do this as class 3e...

"We're in our element and environment making class 1a to be our prey now.' Class 3e thinks as Asano is going to be loving this as he's high up in the trees and ready to fire down onto them making Irina and Karasuma to laugh as All Might freaks at his weapon of choice.

"Seriously?!" Irina and Karasuma looked at him confused.


"He paid for it himself really." All Might will never get the image of Asano using a .455 Villar Perosa machine gun with a shelter around it fully to hide in the trees and treat it like a shelter to hide from and then fire at people. All Might's relieved that it's a paint gun version thou.

The Villar Perosa's adopted by the Italian Army during World War I and was the first pistol-caliber machine gun to ever see military service, though there's some contention as to whether it can truly be classified as a submachine gun as it's originally fielded in the role of a crew-served light machine gun.

'Why did he even get a paintball gun version of the real one?!' All Might thinks to himself back at home base.

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