Class 1a part 1

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She got in making her to cheer as she just needs to wait now until she needs to go making them to sense danger and saw some mental patients that's gotten out as they're in their territory now making them all to be pissed as this is their very home.

She's the leader fully with her two male cousins for Close Combat Squad and Assassination Squad making them to live with their life choices as they can't go back to normal anymore. Their two teachers wouldn't think they hate the government and the system that much.

They're still shocked they've fully actually killed the old government and votes those in who could fully handle the job better with what the old government had done which's what had gotten them fully killed and they swear to never do that.

The government's now better and things were changing now as they still can't go back to normal. They do their own movies, stories, work out videos, parkour lesson videos and tips for self-defense making it easier to go back to at least some semi-normal.

She knows she's more trained, but it's for killing more than Hero work, but she can still use them as long as it's not the killing part of her old training. She changes and heads out as they all got driver licenses for two vehicles max each.

She went for her own Handa motorcycle and parks making many to wonder how she has her license already as she parks and activates that part as it allows her to bring it with her. Her long dark green hair, doll/doe eyes, her large bosom, her small waist, her large hips and tall height.

They kept staring at her and she ignores it as she shows a promise ring on her left finger which got the males all to back off as she's fully promised to someone already making many of the stupid males cursing which she's fully ignoring.

She meets her new friend and walks in as there's twenty-two seats with extra nine if anyone caught their attention. She's glad to have her AI friend as she's fully checking the security of the school and she's giving a lot of ideas to the chimera principal who's very nice.

She had to sit right behind her childhood friend/playmate making her to ignore him as he's weak. She hates this as all of them can read anyone and she hates this even more as she's quick to learn cause of that automatic skill she has.

Photographic Memory making them all to have it making it even harder for them to forget the blood shed on one's hand. She saw their sensei who's Aizawa Shouta and sensed the experience of a Hero making her to snap straight fast to not piss him off on the first day.

He noticed it and wonders just why she did that fully. Everyone else wonders what's going on, but he had them in their gym clothing and to go outside as every teacher has the right to teach differently making her to be the first one out.

Her Quirk changed her clothing for her as she's outside already making him to be surprised at how fast she is. The others took longer making them to see her there already as she's fully waiting for instructions.

"First task's the 50-Meter Dash. You guys must run fifty meters straight while using your Quirks to fully improve your mobility. Your completion times are going to be recorded." Aizawa were marking down the results and the results are as follows:

Competitor/Quirk Time

Engine: 3.04 seconds

Explosion: 4.13 seconds

Frog: 5.58 seconds

Zero Gravity: 7.15 seconds

Tail: 5.49 seconds

Navel Laser: 5.51 seconds

Acid: Unknown (Faster than Yuga Aoyama)

She got first place by using her natural speed since that's how fast she is without her quirks as her time's 2.02 seconds shocking them as she's fast. Aizawa's shocked as if she's truly that fast, then she's the most fastest person on the planet and can knock out villains with a single punch to the face.

"The next test's the Grip Strength test as you guys need to grasps a hand-held device that reads the force your grip exhibits in kilograms." Aizawa wonders about the participants and results are as follows:

Competitor/Quirk Force

Dupli-Arms: 540.0kg

Her's broke the hand-held device making Dupli-Arms Quirk User to look shocked as she must of done a lot of training to have that kind of strength and Bakugou's gasping as she can't be that strong as All Might's watching from a safe distance and can't believe how strong she is and she's not even using OFA at all.

"The next test's the Standing Long Jump test which you guys use your Quirks to clear a sandbox designed for a standing long jump. Your distance's also recorded." Aizawa knows that the results are as follows:

Competitor/Quirk Distance

N/A (Cleared sandbox)

Navel Laser: Cleared sandbox

N/A: Landed within sandbox

She jumps and she cleared it making Aizawa to nod as the rest of the testing continues as the whole class is wondering how the heck can she handle this kind of thing as she's just one mysteries girl.

'It's weird since she has that weird vibe inside of her really.' Everyone thought to themselves fully.

"The next test's the Repeated Side Steps test as you guys move between three lines by side stepping from one to the other." Aizawa wonders why only Minoru Mineta has participated in this test. He used his Quirk to bounce himself quickly between the lines.

"The next test's the Ball Throw test as you guys are required to throw a ball as far as you could using your Quirks." She knows fully that whenever she throws a ball, her inventory fully activates to bring whatever's brought back with the ball inside of it including wooden boats and metal boats plus a submarines.

'I better make sure to check out the boats and find out which country, the information and then send the information out to that country fully.' She knows she has a very unlimited inventory space for normal things as everything went into the very huge inventory making her to sigh in her head as that's one thing she can't explain to everyone.

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