Madness and Mayhem part 2

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AN: Recap on the teams and dead/captured/kidnapped/MIA. Class 1a Teams: Team 1: Jirou, Hagakure, Asui. Team 2: Yaoyorozu, Kaminari, Sero. Team 3: Uraraka, Iida, Koda. Team 4: Shouji, Kirishima, Sato. Team 5: Ojirou, Shinso, Ashido. Team 6: Aoyama, Todoroki, Bakugou, Tokoyami.

Dead (Class 1a): Hagakure. Ojiro. Shinso. Yaoyorozu. Kaminari. Sero. Asui. Iida. Jirou. Sato. Kirishima. Shouji. Uraraka. Koda.

Captured (Class 3e): Okajima. Kirara.

Kidnapped/MIA (Class 1a): Ashido.


Kikiyo laughs mentally as Todoroki's face as this is going to be very fun as she can get a whole lot of stuff off her chest and shoulders as she's been holding it in for a very long time and it's about time to undo it all which Korosensei would've wanted when the time's right.

"You see, Todoroki-kun." Kikiyo began as she's going to be having fun with this as Naomi's still having fun with Ashido in the deepest part of the forest.

"You do something so peculiar yet stunning that it could lead to your uprising or downfall." Kikiyo's cold eyes swept towards Aoyama who's trembled and then to Bakugou's fuming, but quiet, face.

"You trust people whom you've known. And push away people you don't." Kikiyo looked back at Todoroki and Todoroki shivered. He didn't like the look on Kikiyo's face. Not at all.

"But, why're you threatening Tokoyami-kun? He's part of our team and you know that the other class doesn't have a shape-shifting quirk." He asked making sure his voice was steady. Todoroki couldn't risk letting Kikiyo hear any weaknesses in his voice.

"Oh, haven't you guessed it by now?" Kikiyo chuckled. Her eyes went wide with fox-slits in them and Todoroki could feel himself sink into the cold abyss of her pupils.

"Me and Naomi's never part of your team in the first place." Kikiyo pushed Tokoyami away. Todoroki's eyes gleamed, this was his chance! He reached forward as he started to run towards Tokoyami, but he's too late. Kikiyo had already shot him in the back of the head.

"Tokoyami is out!" Ritsu Mobile cheerfully said and disappeared. Todoroki couldn't believe his eyes as they looked at Tokoyami's head, dripping with blue paint. He looked back up at Kikiyo's crazy face. Todoroki had led his class to their doom.

If Bakugou hadn't witnessed Kikiyo kill (AN: lol 'kill' is the 666th word here) Tokoyami and someone had told him Kikiyo could, he'd yell 'Fuck, are you shit-bat crazy? Go fuck off!' But now? Tokoyami's lying on the floor pretending to be dead.

Todoroki's looking at Kikiyo, who's wearing a face Bakugou hoped he never would see on her again. Her eyes were wide and her pupils shrunk as they went more foxlike as she smirked a crazy grin. Bakugou looked at the mad woman of Kikiyo before yelling.

"What the fuck, Midoriya! I'll kill you!" Kikiyo turned her attention to Bakugou, who stiffened up and tensed his muscles.

"Oh, you'll kill me?" Before he could do anything, Kikiyo had already started running towards Bakugou. Lifting his hands, he let out some explosions, hoping to injure Kikiyo before he could do anything. Smoke started clouding everyone's vision of sight.

As the dust settled, Bakugou looked around for the tell-tale sign of Kikiyo's green hair. When he spotted it, Bakugou's blood went cold. Aoyama's neck's covered in blue paint. Kikiyo had put her gun in her left hand and pulled out a rubber knife with her right.

"Aoyama is out!" Ritsu Mobile announced as Kikiyo looked down at the fallen 'corpse' of Aoyama and then Kikiyo remarked.

"You always make it about you, huh, Kacchan?" Bakugou swallowed a 'What the fuck' that was going to come out of his mouth. Kikiyo turned to look over her shoulder and Bakugou had to remember to breathe. The eyes. It's the stupid eyes.

Bakugou had always hated those hope-filled eyes in the past. But now? He wanted them back. If it meant getting rid of this person, he would never say that this person's Kikiyo, the damn nerd that always smiled, then he would gladly have them back.

"It's always you. You and your oh-so-perfect quirk." Kikiyo all, but growled.

"All those teachers making sure you had the nice way to the top." Kikiyo smiled viciously then faced Todoroki.

"The way you were before UA's stupid and utterly foolish. Do you know how many people don't even have a Quirk? Do you know how desperately they want a Quirk? And to have half of yours? But no, you had to only use fucking half of it!" The two's eyes went wide at this.

Kikiyo had sweared. Kikiyo, the craziest classmate with Naomi being second, had sweared. Bakuogu and Todoroki don't know what to do as Kikiyo had never sweared and class 3e were also shocked as it seems that Kikiyo's suffering more than they thought possible.

"This society's all about whether you have a Quirk or don't. I had to suffer over fucking nine years with people screwing me over!" Aizawa and All Might was more shocked with Karasuma and Irina looked away as they knew this while teaching class 3e.

"I was the troublemaker!" Kikiyo's eyes started to water.

"I was the liar!" Tears were going down her face.

"I was the stupid fool while Bakugou..." Bakugou flinched at the loss of his nickname.

"Bakugou was the perfect role model, practically designed to be a Hero." Kikiyo couldn't take it anymore as the pain of remembering this is hurting her more than she thought she could handle.

"No one thinks about the Quirkless." Karma and Nagisa plans to as Tartarus to release of the the prisoners into their forest with permission from the government to help Kikiyo out as long as they had Quirk that make them a danger of breaking out of there, but All For One.

"After all, I was just a pebble, a stepping stone, just something to make the other stronger." Todoroki and Bakugou both flinched at the last sentence.

"So, what're you going to do when I can defend myself? Hmm, Bakugou?" Kikiyo walked towards Bakugou and his heart jumped to his throat. He can't believe what he's hearing making him to feel bad as it's all his fault this happened.

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