Class 1a meets Class 3e. Normal... Right? part 2

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Both Kikiyo and Naomi led their classes up the mountain to the top. There, they could see the wooden building - as fix as they seen it last time. Iida seemed rather concerned as much as they got the building fixed, it's still not a good building for a class itself fully.

"Why did the school board allow this building even after they got it fixed? It's rather very unprofessional to allow this to stay!" Karma looked at him with a familiar glint in his eyes.

"Because being Class 3e is a punishment. What do you not get of that? Kik-chan, please tell me you told them this, right?"

"I did." Kikiyo said.

"I still think they're in shock of that prank really."

"Aren't they Hero students though?" Nakamura Rio teased and some of Class 1a blushed in embarrassment as they didn't like this as it feels like theiy're being teased at mkaing Kikiyo and Naomi to hide that it's not the case.

Iida looked ready to faint as he can't believe they got use to it even Kikiyo and Naomi looks normal making him to wonder and worry how they got use to this kind of building as a classroom making him to not like it at all no matter what.

"So, any questions right now?" Kikiyo said and the entire class burst to life unaware that All Might's there fully making him to be shocked at their reaction as how did Kikiyo and Naomi not tell them it's a prank fully really.


"Do you know them?"

"Are they in Class 3e?"

"Why were they in the trees?"


"And is the blue-haired person a boy or a girl?" When Karma heard this, he smirked and wrapped his arm around Nagisa's neck and plopped his head on his.

"Nagi-chan here is a boy." When Karma saw their blank faces at this, Nakamura and Karma cackled making Nagisa to blush as he can't believe they asked if he's a female or a male making Kikiyo yo rub his back in comfort making him to nod to her as thanks.

"See, we should have put you in a dress!" Nakamura wiped her tears.

"Like with Yuji!" Yuji Norita visited them during their food café thing festival. He's a food blogger and brought in many customers. They had to close early because of him if Kikiyo didn't make them keep going as she got fifty times the ingredients with her Wishing Quirk.

Kikiyo saved the day and kept using that Quirk to keep up with the orders as she wasn't going to be letting them down making her to be drained and fully faint afterwards. Nagisa started to turn red and covered his face. Karma chuckled.

"Fiiine, but you gotta put on a dress later with Kik-chan!" Kikiyo whipped her head.

"Hell no! I don't need to! and I do that for parties or for dances or even dates!" Class 1a just looked lost.

"Should we interrupt them?" Sato asked and Shoji shrugged. Tokoyami looked around and saw a familiar sight.

"Kirara, what are you doing here?" Kirara Hazama shrugged.

"I'm part of Class 3e."

"You are?"


"Revelry in the darkness."

"Heh." Kikiyo looked at the two class goths.

'Of course they knew each other.' She thought and sweat dropped.

"WELL ARE YOU GOING TO GIVE US AN EXPLANTATION OR NOT SHITTY DEKU?" Kikiyo sighed as Karma and Nakamura cackled. She could only hope that the prankster duo didn't try and break Kacchan as Kikiyo's both scared and amused.

Why? Well, let's note that Bakugou's known for his swears, right? So, when Karma sauntered up to him, Kikiyo could only cross his fingers and hope for Bakugou's survival. Yaoyorozu looks to class 3e and then looks to Kikiyo.

"Who are all of them, Midoriya?" Kikiyo loves that question greatly as she can introduce them to her and Naomi's old classmates.

"Karma Akabane." Karma has pale skin, short red hair and pale sharp eyes that appear as either mercury or goldish in color. Behind his usual innocent-looking, smiling face hides a torturous and rather sadistic personality.

He has a slender build and has also been shown to have exceptionally sharp canine teeth. Among all the Class 3e students, Karma's the only one to wear a black blazer as opposed to the standard school-issued uniform. Karma's considered to be the most physically attractive out of all the boys in Class e by the girls.

"Yuma Isogai." Isogai has somewhat spiked dark brown hair with two small hair antennae at the top and pale gold eyes. In addition to his personality, Yuma has been described as being very attractive and is one of the most popular members of Class 3-E.

He's also popular with others from the main building and still receives love letters from females there despite the otherwise general discrimination. Kikioy and Naomi never did figure it including Asano once he heard it's still happening.

"Taiga Okajima." Okajima has short, black hair in a butch cut and thicker brows compared to other students. He's also a pervert and only takes pictures of girls more so. A tame version to Mineta really.

"Hinata Okano." Okano has short brown hair that's the shortest amongst all of the girls in Class 3e and she has light purple/pink eyes.

"Manami Okuda." Manami has black hair with a purplish tint styled into twin braids that reach just below her shoulder and dark purple. She wears glasses and has a more petite frame than most of the girls in Class 3e.

"Meg Kataoka." Kataoka's a tall girl with long light brown hair that's kept in a ponytail with straight bangs. She's described as being "dashing" by Nagisa and according to Irina's fashion reviews of the students, she also has the physique and making of a model. This combined with her personality and talents earned her the title "Ikemegu".

"Kaede Kayano a.k.a Akari Yukimura. An actress by the name Haruna Mase." Kayano's a short girl with light green hair that's always fashioned in unique cat ear-styled pigtails, hazel eyes and a running gag for her appearance's that she doesn't have noticeable breasts like the other female students in the class, giving her the nickname "Forever Flat".

In reality, her light green hair's dyed and is black, long and wavy. When overwhelmed by the tentacles, her hazel eyes became red as a result of her bloodlust. Once her tentacles were removed, she went back to her cat ear-styled pigtails and her eyes returned to hazel.

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