The Lessons They Had Learned part 1

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AN: Recap on the teams and dead/captured/kidnapped/MIA. Class 1a Teams: Team 1: Jirou, Hagakure, Asui. Team 2: Yaoyorozu, Kaminari, Sero. Team 3: Uraraka, Iida, Koda. Team 4: Shouji, Kirishima, Sato. Team 5: Ojirou, Shinso, Ashido. Team 6: Aoyama, Todoroki, Bakugou, Tokoyami.

Dead (Class 1a): Hagakure. Ojiro. Shinso. Yaoyorozu. Kaminari. Sero. Asui. Iida. Jirou. Sato. Kirishima. Shouji. Uraraka. Koda. Tokoyami. Aoyama.

Captured (Class 3e): Okajima. Kirara.

Kidnapped/MIA (Class 1a): Ashido.


Kikiyo never thought that she'll bring all of this up as she thought she can handle it, but it seems she can't making the heartache to be even more stronger as she hates the system and how people like flashier Quirks or how the Quirkless get treated making Karasuma to make a call to the new government about this.

"I still remember what sensei said to me that one time." Kikiyo said as she repeats the words to Bakugou and Todoroki.

" Kikiyo said as she repeats the words to Bakugou and Todoroki

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"You broke off our friendship, Kaachan

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"You broke off our friendship, Kaachan. Because of what? Me showing decent human behavior of helping someone when they fell off a log?" Bakugou flinched at that question.

"Of wanting to make sure you didn't hit your head on something?" Bakugou wants her to stop as he's feeling something he shouldn't be feeling at all.

"Of wanting to make sure you didn't hit any of the rocks in the river when you fell?" Bakugou wants Kikiyo to shut up as he's feeling guilty for it.

"Damnna it, Bakugou Katsuki!" Bakugou flinched at the full use of his whole name.

"You could of gotten hurt or hit your head on the rocks when you fell from that huge log over the river!" Bakugou looks away as he can't bare to hear anymore of her words. In an instant, Kikiyo's already standing in front of him, his throat pressed against Kikiyo's knife.

"I've told you this once, twice even, so I'll say it again. If you're going to say the word 'kill', you should at least mean it!" As the last word's said, the knife's slit across his throat and Bakugou could faintly hear a 'Bakugou is out!' from his phone by Ritsu Mobile.

Bakugou laid on the ground, speechless. It seemed he had a lot to think about. Todoroki had never seen this side of Kikiyo. This angry, betrayed, heartbroken/heartachingly, revenge-filled face. He cursed in his brain when Midoriya took out Bakugou. He should have moved. He should have done something.

But he couldn't move and Bakugou's dead. Todoroki's the last one. He punched out an ice wall from his fist and Kikiyo dodged it by jumping into the air while doing a mid-back flip and looks like her head's pointed fully downwards with her feet straight in the air.

Her eyes were misty, glossy and emotionless making Asano to never seen this is his fiancée before as he's worried majorly about her. Todoroki grit his teeth. If he used his flames, he would've set the forest on fire. And he couldn't risk that.

"Oh? Now, you want to use your flames? When you're at the brink of defeat?" Kikiyo's taunting voice filled his head.

"Now do you see? It's your quirk and it's a quirk people would die for. People have died for." Todoroki sent a small glacier, but Kikiyo jumped straight onto it and is fully mastery parkouring her way to Todoroki and lifted her gun at his chest.


The paintball hit the side of an ice wall.


The paintballs hit in a flurry and Todoroki could only hide behind his wall.




Until at last, Todoroki could no longer hear them bashing the side of his wall. He looked around the side and his eyebrows furrowed when he couldn't see Kikiyo. Todoroki wonders where she is as he looks around for her until he heard her voice

"Miss me?" Stunned, Todoroki looked up to see Kikiyo standing on his wall still looking the same angry, betrayed, heartbroken/heartachingly, revenge-filled face with Her eyes still being misty, glossy and emotionless.


This time, Kikiyo didn't miss as she watched Todoroki fall. She didn't need to grab the flag. Not anymore as she has won, but her eyes stayed the same and Asano knows he needs to get to her asap making a portal to show up and he jumps through it.

"Class 3e win!" Ritsu Mobile's voice announced from everyone's phone. The four dead people stood up and the rest of the 3e class jumped down with a giant THUD.

"Gah! Tu m'as fait peur!" Aoyama jumped. The other three looked at them with a look of either annoyance, astonishment, or their eyes just widened. Or a mix of the three.

"So even if we weren't defeated by Kikiyo, we would still have no chance of winning." Tokoyami said, looking around.

"Where's Kirara?" Kayano piped up.

"She was part of my team, but Jirou captured her." Tokoyami nodded.

"Why didn't you just attack us?" Todoroki asked. Surprisingly, Karma answered.

"We don't work like that. If you just attack straight on, you're showing your numbers and might fail, especially when you guys have long-range quirks. So, we had to surprise you. Kik-chan here did just fine. Besides." Karma added.

"We wanted to see your faces when we came and surprised you!" The four from Class 1a could swear that they saw a devil peeping over Karma's shoulder.

"Well, Kik-chan did well, so we win!" Nagisa said and Class 3e smiled.

"Oh yes, Kikiyo? You're rather upset during your battle with Todoroki and Bakugou, are you alright, mon amie?" Aoyama inquired and Kikiyo said nothing as she just stands there making everyone to be worried before they saw a portal and Asano jumps out.

"What the fuck?!" Asano grabs Kikiyo's left hand as she went to attack Bakugou making him to flinch before she turns to Asano who pulls her into his arms making her to freeze up as she then smells Asano's scent making her fox ears and tails to come fully.

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