Hero vs Villain part 2

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Iida's poked both in the neck and where his spine ends making him to shatter in fear as twice the image showed up making him to not like this. Bakugou saw Kikiyo who's leaning against a window still with her googles gone from her eyes.

"D-Deku?" Bakugou calls out as he nervously walks towards her as he wasn't sure before he saw her head moving up and he can see her face as her eyes were closed making him to be very much confused, but still nervous as something's telling him he had screwed up big time.

Kikiyo's eyes snapped open and he froze as her eyes hold promise of pain and death from the way she's looking at him before she walks up and just pokes him in the center of his head, his chest, then to his lungs, liver, kidneys, the end of his spine and his appendix.

The image of those pokes being knives made him back away in fear as his eyes showed it before she steps forward and whispers in his left ear making him to freeze even more as she sounds excited from this as if she's enjoying his fear and wants to see more of it.

"That 'kill' word has lost it's meaning. If you're going to use it, mean it with actions." She giggles like a little child making him to feel his blood freeze as his heart's beating too fast from what he'd just heard before he blinks and she's gone from site.

He shivers as he falls to his knees and held himself as he can't fully properly breath making him to chock on air before he felt her hand gently go through his hair and he turns slowly to 'see' her covered in blood before he moves away from her.

He then turns his item on his right arm onto her and pulls the pin showing he can't hear All Might yelling at him to not use them as he's focusing on what's in front of him and she didn't get hurt at all. Kikiyo giggles again like a child again making him to freeze as she's near his face before...

"Don't worry. This will end fast with this move." She'd kissed him right onto the lips with tongue shocking him greatly as he doens't know what's going on here.

1 hit.

He can't think straight.

2 hits.

He can't focus straight.

3 hits.

Why's she kissing him?!

4 hits.

What's going on?!

5 hits.

Who's talking?

6 hits.

All Might?

7 hits.

Why's his vision going blurry?

8 hits.

'Her tongue... Feels good...'

9 hits.


10 hints.


11 hints.


12 hints.


13 hits.


14 hits.

Bakugou passes out as he ends the kiss by falling backwards and Kikiyo catches him before she carries him outside of the building like Naomi's with Iida who lost his helmet making many to look shocked to the two as they kissed them as they fainted there and then.

"What? Irene-sensei can do a thirty hit kiss and my cousin can do a fifteen hit one. If I hadn't scared him, it would have gone to the minimum of fifty hits." Kikiyo said as if she's talking about the weather making them all to look at her as if she has two heads.

"Shame for me. It's a five hit before he fainted. I swear. This is his first kiss and he doesn't know how to deal with it that he fainted actually really." Naomi said with anime tears going down her face as she feels like she failed in her mom's skills fully really.

"You're get there, Naomi. Best to tell your mom and dad about it. Your papa's probably crying cause of this in the heavens cause his daughter's crying." Everyone's confused about this. After school's over, Irene agreed with them there as those kisses weren't even great.

"If I hadn't scared him... He started it though. Saying the word 'kill' like it's a normal word to say. I had to warn him to prove those 'threats' of his with 'actions' in a whisper in his left ear." They all agreed as Asano hands over a hot chocolate for Kikiyo to drink.

"Still wishing mentally it's something else. Hmm. Ritsu showing us that was a good idea."

"Not really. When Nagisa and me were still in school with his hair being down, he poked me in the back as it felt like a sword went just straight through and I had to turn around fast cause of it. It's fully during lunch time during that time." Karma Akabane said as Nagisa Shioto apologies.

"I must of been very short then for you to not notice me then really." Karma nods as this is not a good thing for those two to even feel it like that like he did making Kikiyo to sigh at her two male cousins as that as a long time ago actually.

"Still I have to admit that the poke's both worth it and how did you two disappear?"

"Illusions. I got Naomi covered, dad-Suma." Kikiyo said as everyone chuckles at her nickname towards him.

"Never ever going to lose that nickname really." Karasuma sighs as everyone chuckles again.

"You'll get use to it. I'm use to being called mama-Rene really." Irene said making him to sigh again.

"Oh alright." They all cheered as this is fun for them all. Kikiyo can't wait to see what's next for both her and Naomi. The next day, Kikiyo and Naomi froze fast as they sensed danger and had Ritsu to check fast which works as the media's at the gates.

It's making Kikiyo to hide them and sneak into the school by parkour-style making them both to be chuckling at them all. They warned Hound Dog who nods and scares them away as the two heads to class since they don't want to be late for it.

Both know both boys haven't gotten over that and kept to themselves until they talked to them. Kikiyo and Naomi hanged out a lot and they noticed the media's about to break down the gates before Kikiyo smirks darkly.

She snaps her fingers making an illusion of a outrageous Hound Dog sent to deal with them scared them all away as both Iida and Yaoyorozu are presidents of class 1a making it to be perfect for them as Kikiyo and Naomi wouldn't be able to handle it ever.

With the media scared away, the danger's dealt with, but Ritsu's watching the cameras and made sure everyone can see what's happening as once class 1a enters, they're trapped and the leader said the 'kill' word making both Kikiyo and Naomi to froze fast.

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