Class 1a meets Class 3e. Normal... Right? part 3

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Kikiyo can't wait to finish as Asano's going to be last making it easier as she wants to surprised class 1a with him anyway as she's going to love their reaction when he tells them who he is to her as her mother accepted that she's engaged and will have a husband in the future.

"Yukiko Kanzaki." Yukiko's a pale-skinned girl who's noted for being very beautiful by everyone in Class e as well as Ren Sakakibara of Class a which's one of the reasons why she's the most popular girl in the class. She has straight mid-back length black hair styled in a hime-cut that has bangs hanging over her eyebrows and light-brown eyes.

"Masayoshi Kimura." Masayoshi has dark brownish green hair which spikes up in many ridges ending in a triangular tip and black eyes.

"Hinano Kurahashi." Hinano has wavy chin-length orange hair, peridot green eye and she has a more petite frame than most of the girls in Class 3e.

"Nagisa Shiota." Nagisa's a petite-framed boy with blue hair and azure eyes. His hair goes past his shoulders due to his mother forcing him to keep it that way. He kept it in a long ponytail until joined the classroom and styled it in two pigtails. He's known for his androgynous appearance which has often been poked fun at by many people.

"Sosuke Sugaya." Sōsuke's a tall and slender male with light grey/silver hair that goes past his ears and dark/black small eyes.

"Tomohito Sugino and our baseball fan since he loves the sport and has great tips for it fully really." Sugino has the generic short, spiked black hair for male shōnen characters and has dark blue eyes. He sports red wristbands.

"Kotaro Takebayashi." Takebayashi has black hair combed over along the sides of his head and wears round eyeglasses. His uniform consists of a suit jacket worn over a dress shirt and a black tie as well as dress pants and dress shoes. He looks similar to the persona of manga artist Mizuki Shigeru, enough for Korosensei to be spooked by the resemblance.

"Ryunosuke Chiba." Chiba has black hair with long bangs that cover his eyes. His bangs mark off part of his vision like a gun sight and is the reason for his remarkable skill with firearms. Chiba has an intense gaze that made others uncomfortable which's the reason for growing out his bangs which his girlfriend, Rinka Hayami doens't hate. He has maroon colored eyes.

"Ryoma Terasaka." Terasaka has short, spiky, brown hair which's dyed blonde around the sides. He has a bulky body which he uses to intimidate people with and light green eyes.

"Rio Nakamura." Rio has long straight strawberry blonde hair that's parted in the middle and worn swept behind her shoulders and aqua blue eyes with notably long eyelashes. The colors of her hair and eyes give her the appearance of a stereotypical Caucasian girl.

Even though she's Japanese, although her hair does appear to be dyed, as in a flashback she appears with a darker shade dark yellow. She wears the Kunugigaoka school uniform with the assigned pale yellow sweater rather than the gray blazer. Rio's described as the "cool and gorgeous girl" of Class 3e.

"Kirara Hazama." Hazama's a slender girl with wavy, shoulder-length black hair and thick eyelashes. As such, she comes off as very gloomy and melancholic. She believes part of the reason she looks the way she does is due to her mother being prone (likely to or liable to suffer from, do, or experience something, typically something regrettable or unwelcome) to screaming fits thus preventing her from looking cute like her given name.

"Rinka Hayami." Rinka has medium-length wavy light brown hair and orange-brown and green eyes. In her earlier appearances she wore her hair down, but after seeing her hairstyle's identical to Irina Jelavić's, she then began wearing them in low pigtails. After that, she has always styled her hair into low pigtails. Plus doens't mind her boyfriend, Ryunosuke Chiba's intense gaze.

"Sumire Hara." Hara has brown hair usually worn in a ponytail; small brown eyes and a chubby figure.

"Yuzuki Fuwa." Yuzuki has short purplish-black hair styled in a bob cut with straight bangs and light purple eyes.

"Hiroto Maehara." Hiroto's fairly tall for a middle school student. He has wavy mid-short, light brown hair and orange-brown eyes. He has been noted to be very good-looking from the girl's point of view. He's one of the few that's popular in the whole school despite being in the e Class.

"Koki Mimura." Mimura has light brown hair styled in bowl cut, orange-brown and green eyes and he's noted for having a plain appearance.

"Takuya Muramatsu." Takuya's family runs the Ramen Shop "Matsuraiken". Takuya would often try to persuade his father without success to change his recipe as the ramen he makes is too bland.

"Toka Yada." Yada's a beautiful teenage girl of average height with brown hair held up in a ponytail with a red elastic, but she temporarily changes it to a blue one until the end of the summer holiday and light purple eyes.

She also has the third largest bust out of all the female students in Class 3e next after Kikiyo and Naomi, a trait inherited from her grandmother. Because she's still in the stage of adolescence, her chest's still maturing, something the boys get restless about every day.

Her cup size's E. During the summer holiday on the island, she wears a half white, half yellow T-shirt and purple shorts. Kikiyo still wonders how she managed to get the genes for the large bust from her grandmother as her's is from something else a.k.a her Foxfire Quirk.

"Taisei Yoshida." Yoshida's a boy with dark brown hair that cascades into dreadlocks along with a pair of sharp dark eyes with small pupils.

"And Itona Horibe." Itona has short, spiked light blue-tinted white which he later wears a large bandana over and sharp yellow/amber. Although fairly short, he possesses a strong build. Class 1a wonders if there's more students in their class.

"You'll meet one at the building. The other one's busy right now really." Karma said as they nod their nods, but Bakugou's getting madder which Kikiyo doens't like right now really.

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