U.S.J Attack

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A tension as thick as a blanket formed in the atmosphere as class 1a (besides Kikiyo and Naomi) and the villains shivered, including Aizawa and Thirteen. They didn't understand what's fully even happening. As fast as the eye could see, the villain's throats had real steel knives stuck on their throats.

This also including the leader, who looked like the apocalypse's coming. The leader's being threatened by Kikiyo. Naomi chuckled at their horror and shock and to Class 1a's surprise, Kikiyo's laughing with her. Kikiyo stood in the middle, face dark and she's smirking like she went mad.

Then, a sharp laugh tore through the air. Class 1a shivered at the sudden coldness of Kikiyo. Bakugou's shocked as he can't believe this is the nerd, the 'Deku' he had known all his life excluding a year ago making him to shiver as he's scared of her fully now for some reason.

"M-Midoriya?" Yaoyorozu said softly and Kikiyo looked at her. Yaoyorozu stood there in shock when she saw her face. The corners of her mouth were pulled up like a mad woman and her pupils were smaller making her to look insane.

"Heh, you know." She said.

"The word kill has lost it's meaning. I mean, if you're going to make a threat..." Kikiyo walked until she's right in front of the leader, eyes facing the ground. The leader felt a slight shiver down his spine as the girl looked up and he could only feel fear when he saw those crazy eyes.

"At least mean it!" The solid clones of Naomi and Kikiyo kept their knives in their spots and Kikiyo looked at them all in the eye.

"So, pay some respect, okay?" Their breaths quickened quietly as they took in the sight of what's supposed to be their classmates. Naomi walked over from her spot and she gave Kikiyo a ruffle, breaking all the tension in an instant.

"Kiki-chan~! Stop being such a scary broccoli!" Kikiyo looked up and the villains could see that she's back to normal. They let out a sigh as Kikiyo pouted her cheeks.

"I'm not a broccoli!" Kikiyo whined as Naomi messed up her hair even more.

"Suuuuure you aren't." Naomi said raising an eyebrow and Kikiyo huffed.

"W-what's that for?" Kaminari yelled and everyone looked at him before shifting their gaze to both of Naomi and Kikiyo.

"Instincts." They all said as both Class 1a and the villains sweat dropped at the two of them before they all got separated, but both Naomi and Kikiyo are still together as they smirked evil as they get ready with traps and got ready for a blood spill.

What? Traps are part of being an assassin as Naomi has the ground trapped and Kikiyo has the sky making their enemies to fall for them and die from them. Then sniping the many enemies down as Kikiyo has no problem sharing her guns with Naomi.

They fired making many to freak as guns aren't even allowed inside making them to stay down making Naomi and Kikiyo to have fun as the 'young master' has that weird human on top of him as he covers him to protect him from the firing of the guns.

Naomi saw the large thing and fully smirks. Kikiyo hands over the bazooka making them to see that the damnna it thing can fully regenerate the limbs back making them to smirk as new toy to use with the others as they gone to capture it.

Ritsu had fun as Sugaya had fully created a silent invisible drone and it's inside the place making them to see the two capture the damn thing in a capsule and then hide as the villains are now just fully fighting back making them to smirk very evil with blood lust as they let lose.


"LET US JOIN NEXT TIME!" Both Kikiyo and Naomi laughs as they knew Sugaya would do this to their night vision googles making them to not mind it as they love to hear them complaining when they get to do something they can't do with them.

"Next time. Naomi, play ball! Grenade ball! DUCK!" Naomi used the rifle gun as a baseball bat and the grenade went far blowing up at least fifty villains up and fully wounding them than killing them.

"Ten points per villain each for that attack!" Karasuma shouts making them to chuckle.

"Swing with knees bent and suck air in before letting it go flying!" That's their favorite baseball fan and president of the class 3e that they all love and care about as he gave pointers to them both.

"ROUND 2! DUCK!" Naomi did it like he said and two hundred got hit this time around.

"Direct hit! Home Run!" Both girls laughed as they can't stop as this is too much fun for them. Aizawa doesn't want to even know where the fuck both the girls are getting the bullets and guns from as he looks at the villains and...

'HOLY MOTHER FUCKING SHIT! WAS THAT ACTUALLY A FUCKING GRENADE?!' He then saw a second one go falling into the villains.

'Make that two grenades.' Aizawa's not going to be able to handle this as he's going to be fully just be a demeaning to have a pay rise for this. Kikiyo holds a home-made bomb and she throws it as she shouts to everyone down below.

"BOMB!" Four hundred villains were badly hurt since no one can expect a bomb to show up out of nowhere, especially a home-made one. Asano's loudly cheering.

"That's my girl!" And Nagisa's trying to figure out where she got it from.

"Yo cous, where the heck did you get the materials for that home-made bomb of yours?" Karma asked for the whole 3e class before Kikiyo giggles evil like a psycho little girl scarring the many villains and her classmates down below with that one laugh.

"YouTube, private Google searches and stores." Silence and then...


"We had a hard time trying to get the stuff for it really!"

"Where did you get the stuff?"

"Which store!?" Kikiyo laughs as she's not going to be telling making them to pout at her cause she has all the fun and they got the boring stuff which made her laugh even more with Naomi joining in scaring everyone down there as they can't take those two laughter.

"Why us?!" Kikiyo just giggles as she's having fun and nothing's going to be fully stopping her.

'Now to finish the leader off and I got the best move to use to stop him fully with.'

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