Summer Camp part 1

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Kikiyo's looking around and loves the trees as both she and Naomi's quick to hide in the trees and just watch making them to follow the Wild, Wild Pussycats and shocked them as they didn't explain how they did it until Aizawa slaps his forehead at them.

"I forgot that you two aren't normal whatsoever really. You followed us and didn't even make a sound, did you?" Both nodded and making him to groan as this is not something he had expected as he remembers how the many villains from the I-Island went missing.

Aizawa knows the two girls had actually paid Shigaraki fully to borrow his 'minder' and they used him to fully teleported those villains to some forest and then weeks later, were all found fully dead making him to wonder why.

Which's not something he's going to figure out anytime soon as they're keeping it a secret and All Might seems to know about it as he saw it and isn't going to be telling him about it fully whatsoever ever as he has Kikiyo's trust and he won't betray her like that actually.

'What are they up to really?' The rest of class 1-A showed up and saw both making them to be upset that they got there before them and they didn't see it at all making the two girls to giggle as this is going to be fun as they're right at home here in the forest.

"We're right at home, right Naomi?"

"Yep! I'm actually surprised that our old class president managed to make that grounding exercise from KHR that Colonnello uses to train the mafia people in! Super fun!"

"I know, right?! Oh! Don't forget the fun of chasing people in the forest that the government sent us!"

"Heeeeeeh! Their screams of terror's just soo much fun to hear! Some keep trespassing and we fully have every right to deal with them!" Naomi and Kikiyo talks like no one else was even there freaking out a whole lot of their classmates and the teachers there plus Bakugou.

'The fuck?! The nerd's a nutcase! How's this even possible?! What fucking changed inside of her fucking mind or why the fuck did she even fucking change!? This is not the same fucking nerd I know and she's fucking scaring me here!' Bakugou thinks as he slowly hides behind Aizawa for a bit of protection.

'Bakugou being scared of those two? Yeah, therapy sessions for them once this is over really.' Aizawa thinks as this is not going to be a normal thing for them and Hound Dog's going to be seeing them a lot to get them to have a normal life.

Asano didn't like what Aizawa's thinking thanks to Sugaya's invention to read minds and from the News making him to hate it. He warns the two and they smirked as they have a plan to scare him and give him a heart attack.

Kikiyo pokes him making him to see blood shooting out of him in the front and a sword's fully gone through his body making him to turn and saw Kikiyo looking confused as she wanted his optioning on her training as she has papers to go with it.

Naomi smirks as it's her turn soon as Aizawa tries to ignore the feeling as he over looks her own training and finds a lot of help needed in sorting areas making him to fix it up and hands it back to her making her to be happy as she thanks him and got to work on her training.

Kikiyo loves her new training regent making her to be ready to deal with any Villains as both had managed to sneak the whole 3e class in making no one to noticed fully making Naomi to giggle as Asano rushed to Kikiyo to kiss his girlfriend against a tree.

Kikiyo accepts his kiss and her being pinned to the tree making him to love her more than ever as she's wearing a tube top with a red strapless bra and short shorts with thigh socks and simple combat boots making him to love it as her hair's in a high bun.

"Love the new look I see. Good cause no one gets to touch me, but you and you alone solely, my principle." Asano loves that as he wants to take her right here and right now, but knows he can't making her to smirk and do it all herself making him to lose it and fall under her control.


"Knew it."

"Let's not spy on my best friend, please." All three left as no one's going to noticed them ever. Kikiyo had fun and knows Aizawa's going to be freaking out as Naomi did the same poke four days later making her parents to hold their laughter in.

"Now we know what you mean, Karma."

"Yeah. And don't think it's your fault, Nagisa."

"Right." Ragdoll can't sense them cause they weren't threats to anyone, but extra security making her to miss them by a long shot.

"How she keeps missing us I will never know."

"Simple." They saw Kikiyo near them with Asano.

"Ragdoll can't sense you cause you aren't threats to anyone, but extra security making her to miss you by a long shot really." Now it makes sense as they're watching and patrolling the very area which makes her see them as allies more than a threat.

"We get it now, Kikiyo." Kikiyo can't wait to see how anyone's going to get through them as her class 3e members are not to be taking lightly. Kikiyo watches as Aizawa's slowly starting to get a major headache from this making her to feel a bit bad for him.

She wasn't going to let him know about the others as they are going to be staying hidden. Naomi agrees with her as she knows no villains are going to be able to get pass them all. Kikiyo loves having them here and Naomi can ask for tips from her parents.

Asano would keep having fun with her as training together's the better one making them to be growing stronger together which makes them have fun together even more as it's like a date as both Naomi and Ashido were having lots of fun themselves.

Naomi's making Ashido weak in the legs and she wasn't going to leave her empty of loving making Irena and Karasuma to be a bit angry about that as she didn't even tell them about her. Kikiyo kept it to herself as she did promise to keep it fully a secret from her parents really.

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