Class 3e's tour of their home

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All Might waves making many to be shocked as All Might got shocked at how they react to someone saying the word 'Kill' in front of them making Aizawa to wonder why he's here until he realized Kikiyo trusts him the most out of everyone.

'And he knew a head of time what she went through.' Aizawa thinks to himself as he groans mentally to keep many from hearing him, but failed as All Might shakes his head while chuckling at Aizawa for that.

"This is Ritsu and Kikiyo made her this body, but she's sortingly pregnant right now, so she'll be staying with the teachers here while we show you all around." Ritsu's main body, Autonomously Intelligent Fixed Artillery a.k.a AIFA's a large rectangular robotic casing with a video screen.

Inside the casing's an assortment of weaponry as well as a 3D printer allowing her to perform various tasks. She's the youngest student of the class at the age of fourteen. Originally, Ritsu's just a head with lilac hair and red eyes.

However, after Korosensei modified her body and increased the size of her screen, her full appearance's shown and her eyes change to a red color fading to light blue. Her outfit changes depending on the situation.

A swimwear when the class went swimming, a detective outfit when they're solving mysteries and she's most commonly shown in the winter school uniform. Ritsu's in her secondary body  and class 1a nods as Ritsu went back to the building both making Irina and Karasuma to look after her.

"Alright! Let's do this!" Sugino yelled, pumping his fist in the air.

"Over here is the building!" Yada said, twirling around while showcasing the wooden building. The two classes went in to see a regular-sized classroom with thirty-three total seats. They're organized kinda like Class 1a's.

"Next, we have the training grounds!" Hinano Kurahashi pulled some of Class 1a to the wide field where some lonely targets sat.

"Are those targets?" Tokoyami asked and Kirara Hazama nodded.

"What a mad banquet of darkness." He muttered.

"WHOA! IS THAT A WATERING HOLE?!" Sero yelled as Class 1a and 3e looked at where he's pointing at. There's a dam, blocking the water and effectively making an gigantic outdoor pool with lots of earth moved away and looks like it's done by only two people max.

"Yep, sensei made that for us." Nakamura Rio said.

"That's before Kik-chan helped him out and made it bigger to allow there to be more room for us all to swim in it. She's good at keeping secrets seriously." Class 1a's eyes bugged out. Their own sensei ... MADE A POOL FOR THEM?!

"What the fuck."


"What a mad banquet of darkness." Kikiyo chuckled at their faces as she helped cause it needs to be a whole lot roomier for them since there is a lot of people in their group and this makes it easier for them which Korosensei agreed with.

"I know, right? He might be a bit clumsy, but he's really caring of us. I'm pretty sure that he's the first teacher that actually cared about us." Some of Class 1a started to frown, but that soon disappeared once Terasaka pushed Okajima into the pool.

"No taking any pictures, you damn pervert." He growled and Okajima put his hands up.

"Okay, okay!" Class 3e sighed and Class 1a looked at them for an explanation.

"Okajima is a bit of a pervert but the worst he's done was taking pictures of a few of us." Kayano explained and Class 1a nodded. Okajima's just like a grape person they use to know of, but more mild. Mineta's gone now. They continued with their (short) tour around the mountain top.

Both Kikiyo and Asano knew they shouldn't answer this call. The caller ID flat out came up as Spam Risk and everybody knows that if you answer one of those, it's an invitation to get a hundred more of them. But honestly? They're feeling petty.

And annoyed. This was the ninth spam call today and it's getting on their nerves. It's barely third period for the students in the Kunugigaoka Junior High! So Kikiyo decided to answer the call this time. Kikiyo had a plan and Asano has a recording camera as she answers the phone call.

"Midtown Mortuary! You stab em, we slab em. How can I assist you today?" Kikiyo asked in a fake cheerful voice. The classic Customer Service voice. Asano watched on, trying to suppress his own laughter. He's getting sick of the constant interruptions thanks to the scammers.

Asano wasn't the only on in the school who had been receiving the never-ending calls this week. Honestly, it's a miracle any lessons were able to be taught by the teachers in the school with these calls happening. The person on the other line's silent, then a quiet voice on the other side.

"Wrong number." The Scammer muttered before the call disconnected. Kikiyo put her phone away, satisfied. Meanwhile Asano lost the battle of restraining his amusement to this as Kikiyo knew what she's doing making her to bow to the camera as Asano sent it to Karma.

"I am so using that line next time I get a spam call." Asano announced to her. She received many nods of agreement from class 3e who kept it a secret from class 1a making All Might to laugh at this fully. Kikiyo chuckles as Asano's paperwork is now finished and can come meet class 1a.

"Hello." Class 1a saw Asano walking with Kikiyo holding his hand making many of the males to feel jealous as Asano smirks mentally as everyone in class 3e are going to enjoy this as both Irina and Karasuma looks to be shaking their heads with a smile on their faces.

"Hello. You're part of class 3e as well, too?" Uraraka asked him.

"Yes and Kikiyo did it to help me out." Asano said making Kikiyo to chuckle as she can't wait for when he tells them.

"Who the fuck are you to fucking Deku?!" Bakugou shouts making Asano to smirk as the whole class 1a feels like they're going to be pranked by him or something making Kikiyo to hold it in like class 3e as this is going to be a great thing as a silent drove took their pictures after Asano said it.

"I'm Kikiyo's fiancé."


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