The Lessons They had Learned part 2

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AN: Recap of the teams isn't going to show up as the game is over.


Everyone waits as they didn't move before Kikiyo wrapped her arms slowly around Asano's chest and liquids went down her face as Asano's scent's making her feel safe and sound plus she's not alone causing her to come back and can't stop the sounds nor the liquid leaving her eyes.


"I got her. You guys head back to the building. As to Aoyama's question, it's just somethings she had to get off her chest." Asano said making Aoyama to look to him as this is not a good thing for Kikiyo if she's crying this badly and needed to let it all out really.

"So she'll be alright? Oui?"

"Yes. Don't worry, Aoyama." Class 3e nodded at this interaction between Aoyama and Kikiyo. Good it seemed like Kikiyo had at least one good friend in Class 1a. Fuwa especially nodded.

'If I was going to talk about the fourth wall with someone, that person better be nice to my class or else.' Fuwa thinks as this means a whole lot to her making her to hope Kikiyo makes more friends she can trust.

"Hey, Kikisis! We saw the battle from Ritsu Mobile! Nice going, so manly!" Class 3e, Asano, Todoroki, Bakugou, Aoyama and Tokoyami turned to see the rest of Class 1a, Kirara, Okajima and Aizawa, but no Naomi and Ashido making class 3e to know about her to Ashido.

"Kikiyo and Asano are going to be deep in the forest to let her calm down. Go." Karma said as Asano picked Kikiyo bride-style and left through the portal back to his paint gun where Kikiyo can calm down better making class 1a to worry for her.

"Where's Ashido and Naomi?" Class 3e looks to each other and crossed their arms across their chests.

"Don't disserve Naomi's time with her girlfriend if you don't want to get hurt." Class 1a and Aizawa plus Shinso looks confused making Karma to sigh at them all.

"Naomi's fucking Ashido in the deepest parts of the forest and keeping her from making a sound out there for help or to tell Naomi to stop." The girls blushed while the boys feel weirded out by this.

"Naomi's Tentacle Quirk also allows her to have a tentacle dick, so she'll be getting Ashido pregnant in the future. She's just making Ashido to cum a whole lot and keeping her from going unconscious on her. Ritsu Mobile?" Nagisa asked.

"Got it! Leave it to me!" Ritsu Mobile said as both Karasuma and Irina wonder how did Naomi even managed to get her Quirk to be stronger than her other paternal parent really.

"Okajima, how'd you get out? Kirara's supposed to be, but you weren't." Maehara asked and Okajima rubbed the back of his neck while murmuring something.

"What'd you say?"

"I said, I got out by some ants. They're just crawling all over me." Okajima shivered and the two classes felt sympathy for him.

"It's pretty intense, that last battle." Class 3e turned towards Uraraka, who had her pointer finger on her chin as Kirishima nodded and Shinso added.

"Yeah, but it makes sense. Midoriya's frustrated, so she took it out on the battle. How long as she even been holding it inside of her to this point really?" Hagakure shivered slightly.

"It's kinda spooky to see Midoriya like that." Class 1a nodded and Class 3e just shrugs.

"Most likely since she's been diagnosed as Quirkless and her treatment plus other's treatments if they're Quirkless like she was." Nagisa said.

"She never did give up no matter what." Karma said making everyone to look to them.

"How are you two related to her?" Both rub the back of their heads.

"My mom's Inko's second or third cousin." Nagisa said.

"My mom's Inko's second cousin by marriage since her second cousin's my father who has red hair cause of his Quirk while mom's hair color's black. Grandfather had green hair who's Inko's first cousin who's father had green hair as well, too." Karma said making everyone to look shocked.

"Shouldn't we be heading back to the building?" Isogai asked, ever so politely. He's practically sparkling and Class 3e couldn't help, but think.

'He's an ikemen!'

"No, not yet." Aizawa grumbled and the two classes looked at him in confusion.

"This is a learning experience, so tell me what went wrong and why." Jirou raised her hand and Aizawa nodded to her.

"Well." She said.

"I was too confident in my Quirk, so they easily got Hagakure out. Then, they lured me away from Tsu with Kirara. I thought they wanted to get us or just me out, but because of my thinking, Tsu got out as well. By the way." Jirou asked.

"How did you get Hagakure out?"

"Sniped her." Chiba said and Class 3e sweat dropped at his short answer and Hagakure remarked.

"Jeez, you must have been really far away from Jirou and you still hit me! I'm supposed to be invisible!" Chiba shrugged.

"You were the most valuable and dangerous person in the team because of that. It's not like you're wearing your hero uniforms. Plus we all have googles that can see invisible things/people thanks to Sugaya making them for us."

"I have the same Quirk as Yaoyorozu, but it's a unlimited version one meaning I can make magical stuff, Sci-Fi stuff and make humans as well, too. The last one's a shock to me, but I got over it." Sugaya said as his two daughters, Shakir and Shakira Sugaya-Kurahashi showed themselves.

"Greetings. I'm Shakir Sugaya-Kurahashi."

"I'm her little sister, Shikira Sugaya-Kurahashi." Both girls said shocking class 1a at this as both are only five-years-old. Shikir has Sugaya's hair with one eye color of his own while somehow Kurahashi's eye color is the other eye color and her hair color's the highlights.

Shikira has Kurahashi's hair with with Sugaya's hair as her highlights and has double eye causing the outer iris to have Sugaya's eye color and the inner iris is Kurahashi's eye color. Both girls has Kurahashi's skin making Sugaya's to feel like like their marriage cause of this fully.

"They're actually only one-years-old. They're growing rapidly and they're the only ones I had made that's human really." Class 1a and Aizawa were shocked as Sugaya and Kurahashi's parents alright making it hard to handle this information all together.

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