e l o i s e b a k e r

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"Elle! How's it going up there?"

I hear mum calling from the downstairs kitchen as I sit on my window seat, gazing out at the cloudy sky. My barn owl, Lola, is sitting quietly on my ankle, waiting for the occasional treat I slip her. I sigh and turn my head, cupping my hands around my mouth in order to yell back.

"Fine! I'm almost done packing!"

I must admit, this is not exactly true. 

My clothes and Hogwarts essentials are strewn out on my bedroom floor, my suitcase flopped lazily in the middle of all of it. I push myself off the seat, placing Lola carefully in her cage, and bend down, gathering up all of my shirts before rapidly rolling them up and shoving them into the suitcase. I hear my mum's footsteps up the stairs and I frantically start packing at a quicker pace.

My door creaks open and mum steps in, peering at me. "Oh, Eloise Catherine Baker, you're supposed to be packed by now!"

I sigh and shrug her off. "It's fine, it's fine, I don't have to be there for another half hour or so."

She slowly walks in and watches as I pace around my room, throwing things into bags and dropping them into the suitcase. "I know that, but Molly is always so generous to let you stay in the first place, I don't want you running late."

I smile to myself, thinking about the lovely woman she was referring to. I was so lucky to get to stay at the Burrow so often with my best friends, and Molly has always felt like a second mother to me. It was often the most fun I had in the summertime, at the Burrow... definitely beats hanging around my own house and listening to Thomas, my mum's stupid boyfriend, yack on the phone about work. To my misfortune, he works in Diagon Alley at a little potions shop, which means he feels the need to tell us all of the new ingredients in stock at any given moment, despite the fact that I clearly never ask for this information. 

It's not like I hate my life or anything at my own house. I do love my mother more than anything, but it's just much more exciting at the Burrow. The Weasleys have always been close to my heart, ever since I moved to Hogwarts in my fourth year. That's when Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger warmed up to me right away after I found my way in the Gryffindor house. They were the best friends a girl could ask for, and with them came two more of my closest companions... Fred and George Weasley, two reckless redheads who I am always particularly excited to see during the summertime. 

One... a bit more... than the other. 

I continue packing and eventually, my suitcase is filled to the brim with clothes, books, quills, robes, and dorm room essentials. I feel a jitter of excitement as I look at it all, thinking about the coming year at Hogwarts... I can't believe I'm already a sixth year.

Mum helps me carry down the enormous bag and we realize I've still got some time. She makes me a grilled cheese sandwich, one of her specialities, as I flip through a Quidditch magazine that Harry sent me this summer. I hum to myelf while breezing through the pictures, pondering whether I should try out for the sport or not. I actually used to love playing football; I adored kicking around the ball any chance that I got. Harry's always been badgering me to give Quidditch a shot, and this time, I'm actually really considering it.

After having lunch and listening to my mum nag me about 'making good choices' (her classic line), focusing on schoolwork, and remembering to write her often, I glance at the clock and see it's about time I leave.

I stand from my chair and stretch, my mom watching me with longing eyes. 

"Oh, for goodness' sake, mom, I'm not on death's row!" I sigh, rolling my eyes at the woman. 

She approaches me with a saddened smile. "It's still hard, Elle! It's hard every year. Seeing my little baby leave me."

I scoff, but grin at her. "Mother, I'm seventeen years old. I'm not sure I'm a baby anymore."

"Nope. Nuh uh. You will always be MY baby," she mumbles into my hair after wrapping me into a bear hug.

I hug her back, feeling the sting I always do before leaving for Hogwarts. I'm gonna miss my mum, as per usual. I smile and pull away, looking at her.

"I'll see you at Christmas," I say softly, and she nods, ushering me towards the fireplace reluctantly.

"Oh, don't say that..." she says in a jokingly shaky voice. 

I grin as she cracks a smile herself. 

"Alright, go, go have fun, go live your life," she laughs while I ready myself in front of the coals.

I take a step into the dusty fireplace with my suitcase and owl cage and dip my hand into the small bucket of floo powder off to the side. I look forward towards my mother once more and give her a grin, which she returns with a thumbs up. 

"Love you Elle! Say thank you a million times to the Weasleys for me! Mind your manners! Remember to-"

"Mother!" I yell at her rambling, laughing.

"Sorry! Sorry, I know, alright, goodbye, lovey!"

I grip the powder in my hand and exclaim, "The Burrow!" before quickly throwing it down with a bubble of excitement in my stomach.

I feel the world spin around me and my ears hear the whooshing noises as per usual, my eyes squeezed shut...

After a few moments, everything becomes still once more. I slowly open my eyes, a grin growing on my face.


Hi again lovelies :)

FYI: this chapter was rather short compared to the ones I'll be writing. The next one is much longer.

And fear not, chapters will not take long whatsoever to come out, unless I'm super busy with schoolwork.

Thanks again and happy reading! <3

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