s n a p e ' s o f f e r

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The following morning I wake up with a pounding head.

I'm sprawled across Fred's bed, my body feeling weak as my eyes squint painfully at the sunlight coming into the room.

I turn my head on the pillow and see Fred next to me, his shirt still off but his pajama pants loosely on under a thin blanket. He's on his back, his head tilted to the side, soft breaths falling from his lips as he still sleeps... he's gorgeous, as per usual.

I yawn and glance out the window, seeing small snowflakes sprinkling down as the sun beams. I quietly slip out of bed as to not wake Freddie up, pull on a loose t shirt and lightly kiss his forehead before standing back up again. I gaze at him before leaving the room, my eyes falling on his bare chest slowly rising and falling as light breaths escape his slightly parted lips. I smile to myself before silently walking to the door and stepping out into the hallway, shutting it behind me.

I walk down the staircase in the quiet house, noticing no one seems to be up yet. My head is still aching from last night, my mind making sloppy attempts to remember everything.

I reach the first floor and rub my eyes before glancing over and spotting Harry. His back is faced towards me as he quietly closes a bedroom door... but Ron's bedroom is on the fifth floor. He's standing in front of Ginny's.

"Harry?" I whisper, my eyes wide.

He turns around as he hears my quiet voice and gulps. I grin as his eyes dart quickly between me and Ginny's door, realizing he's blown his cover.

"No, wait no..." Harry stutters as I cross my arms slowly with a smirk. "It's not like that..."

"Then please, enlighten me," I motion to Ginny's bedroom, and he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Well, last night, you and Fred went up to bed," he starts, and I blush as my mind flashes to bits of last night with Fred. "And Ginny was so... well, woozy, that I helped her to her room so she didn't fall or anything..."

"Mmhmm..." I listen, smiling as he blushes and continues.

"...And after I had lied her down, she sorta grabbed my arm and asked me to stay," he finishes, a small smile turning his lips as he looks at the floor. "But nothing happened, I swear!"

"Well, I still think that's adorable," I say as I walk towards the kitchen. "Now don't you see it's time to make an actual move? For merlin's sake, you two slept together!"

"Yes, emphasis on slept!" he defends as he slips into a seat at the table. "That's all we did. What if she just thinks that's a friend thing, or..."

"Oh Harry, don't be thick," I yawn, grabbing the teapot and lightly placing it on the stove. "Do you see me going to cuddle up next to George? No. Because we're friends."

Harry grows pink as he grins at the table, his hands fidgeting in his lap. I smile as I light the stove and slide into a seat across from Harry.

"God, my head aches terribly," I groan, slouching my cheek into my palm.

"You can say that again," Harry agrees. "How much did we drink last night?"

"No idea," I close my eyes as I hear the quiet creaks of the house around us. "I didn't see the bottle before Fred and I left."

Harry slowly smiles before leaning over and patting my hand on the table with his. "You know, Fred... really likes you."

I giggle before nodding. "I suppose he does, considering how often he's had his tongue down my throat-"

Isn't He Lovely • A Fred Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now