t h r e e w o r d s

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~ Before you read: I highly recommend playing the song that will be mentioned in a scene while you read it. It really makes for a wonderful reading experience :)


I'm sitting with Luna after school on Thursday, the two of us settled in the grass just past the castle as the sun beams down at us. It's quite sunny, but the air is chilly, so we both bundled up in warm coat before heading out onto the pretty Hogwarts grounds.

"How does it feel to be seventeen?" I ask her. 

She smiles a bit. "About the same. Perhaps seventeen isn't so different from sixteen."

I nod. 

"Thank you again for the crystals," she adds, patting my hand on the grass. "They'll be wonderful to add to my collection. Just the ones I was missing, too."

I smile at the girl. "Of course, Luna. Anything for the birthday girl."

She smiles back. 

"Any plans for the holiday tomorrow?" I ask, looking forward again at the rolling hills.

"Actually, yes," she replies calmly. I look to her as she smiles. "Neville's asked me to walk the grounds with him tomorrow evening. Nothing special, but could be fun."

"That's wonderful!" I say, nudging her excitedly. She blushes and looks at me.

"And what about you? Are you looking forward to tomorrow with Fred?" she says. I shrug.

"Oh, I am, but I'm also wondering if he has anything in mind," I sigh, looking towards the clear blue sky above us. "I don't need anything big, though, I mean, we're at school anyways."

Luna smiles next to me. "Well, I bet he'll do something nice."

I look to her as the corners of her lips turn up, her gaze fixing forward once more.

"I suppose..." I mumble, eyeing her.

That night I'm sitting against Hermione's bed as she sits above me and delicately braids my hair, the night sky dark outside the window as we talk softly to one another. Suddenly, the door creaks open and Ginny steps inside, the two of us looking up and smiling at the grinning redhead.

"Hey!" I chirp, watching as she walks over slowly and settles onto the carpet in front of us. "What's up?"

"Well, I..." 

She begins to blush a deep pink as her eyes dart to the floor.

"Ginny...?" Hermione says behind me as her fingers pause in my hair.

Ginny hesitates before quietly saying, "Harry's asked me to meet him tomorrow night in the Room of Requirement."

I let out a gasp, followed by a squeal of delight as Hermione behind me does the same. Ginny can't stifle her giggles all the while, Hermione and I finally controlling our excitement and quieting down before I speak.

"Ginny... the Room of Requirement?" I hiss, my grin still quite evident on my face.

"At night?" Hermione adds.

Ginny grows red again and slaps my leg.

"Oh, piss off!" she snaps, earning a few more giggles from Hermione and I.

"Well, what did you say?" I ask, eagerly leaning forward.

"I... said yes, of course."

I shriek once again and can't help but crash into Ginny, throwing my arms around her.

Isn't He Lovely • A Fred Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now