p e r f e c t n i g h t

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It's the weekend before N.E.W.T exams. The ball has been announced to all seventh years about two weeks ago... everyone is trying to keep quiet about it in order to keep it a secret to the rest of the school.

I've studied my ass off these past three weeks... my friends, too. I'm pleasantly surprised to see Harry and Ron working incredibly hard to prepare for the N.E.W.T D.A.D.A exam, and it's clear that they really have their hearts set on being aurors. I love how they're becoming so passionate.

With only two days until exams and a week until the night of the ball, every seventh year is either buzzing with nerves or excitement... for me, it's both. I want to get high marks on these tests- because if I do, I'll heavy great career options. But that's leading me to have sleepless nights due to exam anxiety and hours slumped over textbooks in the library. It'll all be over soon.

I've been talking to Fred almost every night. I can't wait to see him this summer... he keeps telling me how excited he is for all of us to graduate. "My beautiful girl, growing up so fast" he keeps saying. He's such a weirdo.

I get dressed and ready for the day, then head down to the common room before breakfast and classes. Hermione, Harry, Ron, and Ginny are sitting at the long table, talking excitedly to one another. I stroll over to join them.

"Morning, everyone," I pipe up. They all turn to look at me with smiles. "You all look quite happy."

"Eloise, did you hear?" Ginny asks me, biting back a grin. She then lowers her voice and leans in to tell me, "We're going to Hogsmeade today! After classes!"

"Really?" I say, now smiling excitedly as well. "For what?"

"Our dresses!" Hermione whispers, looking thrilled. "For the ball. I can't wait to see what's in store!"

"Oh, right!" I reply, but then add, "but I was thinking I would wear my same dress from last year..."

"Perhaps you'll change your mind," Ginny says, wiggling her eyebrows mischievously.

"Oh boy, they're gonna be all giddy today, aren't they, Harry?" Ron groans, but he's smiling.

"Right you are, Ronald," Harry agrees, smirking and shaking his head. The girls and I giggle happily before we all head down to breakfast.

As we're eating in the Hall, the owl post arrives and sends a flood of mail onto each House table. Lola has soared in through the window, making me smile and assume mum must've written me. She flutters down above the table and settles herself gently before me, sticking out her beak proudly to offer me a sealed envelope.

"Thanks, pretty girl," I say happily, giving Lola a gentle pat on the head. She ruffles her feathers with satisfaction before I focus my gaze on the letter. I see mum's familiar handwriting an carefully unseal the envelope, pulling out the letter inside.

I read through and see that mum is quite excited for my graduation, even though she won't be there... I still find it strange that parents don't come to the Hogwarts ceremony, but I suppose it's not too bad. She also tells me about some fun things she'd like to do this summer, and wishes me the best of luck on my upcoming exams. But at the end of the letter, I notice she added one more little note...

Lola should be holding a small pouch as well... check inside, love.

I look up from the letter and see that my owl is indeed clutching a small cloth pouch in her talons, which leads me to gently tug it out from her grasp and peer inside. My eyes go slightly wide for a moment at the sight of several shimmering coins... twenty galleons.

"Holy hell..." I whisper, cuing the group to look at me with interest.

"What is it?" Harry asks with curiosity.

Isn't He Lovely • A Fred Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now