h o g s m e a d e

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~ if you want to picture the characters as you read this story, think of the twins looking as they do in Order of the Phoenix (picture above), and all the others to look as they do in HBP (so just a bit older-looking than the above pic) !

~ one more thing: in this story, like I said before, I'm making the Voldemort/related conflict irrelevant. So I'm going to be altering things to adapt and make it more fun, like the development of the romances in the group (which will obviously stay true to the characters!!).


"Eloise! Wake up!"

I feel Hermione shaking me gently the next morning as my face is stuffed sideways into my pillow.

"Mmmph..." I grumble, my eyes still closed. "Too... comfy..."

She laughs and grabs my arms, hoisting me up off my pillow as I groan in opposition. "Look! Look outside- it's snowing, it's snowing a ton!"

I rub my eyes as I stand up, looking towards the window. The hills past the castle are blanketed in white as rapid flakes fall down, the day outside bright and cheerful as white covers as far as the eye can see. I smile and walk over to the glass, peering outside more.

"Wow, that is quite pretty," I say, taking it all in. One of my favorite times of year at Hogwarts is around Christmas, when the snow covers the peaks of the castle and inside the school feels so cozy.

"What are you two blabbering about?" I hear Padma groan from her bed, opening her bed curtain tiredly. Her twin does the same in the bed next to Padma's, yawning. Padma glances out the window and her eyes widen. "Oh, my, it really is snowing quite a lot, isn't it?"

"It's a Hogsmeade day!" Hermione says happily, and I turn around.

"It is?" I say, surprised. "Already? Wow, I guess I forgot it was this weekend!"

"Plus, isn't there are quidditch match today, Elle?" Hermione says, and I smile.

"Yep, against Hufflepuff," I say, stretching my back. "At 4:30."

Hermione walks towards me, a look of slight concern in her eyes. "Are you going to be able to play? Ron told me about that practice at the beginning of this week..."

"I will. I'll be okay," I say smiling. "Only thing I'm worried about is how cold it's going to be." Hermione giggles and turns to her dresser.

I realize I actually mean what I've said this time. For the past few days, I've noticed my headaches have been completely nonexistent, plus I've slept throughout the entire night. I can't tell if it's just the healing powers of time, or the fact that I've been in such a good mood...

The four of us gladly get dressed and ready for the day as the snow continues to pour outside, sunlight beaming through the windows. Hermione and I are walking down the steps to the common room as the noise grows louder, students excitedly chattering to one another.

We step through the doorway and spot Harry and Ron sitting by the fire talking. As we get closer they see us and smile.

"Good morning, boys," I say. "Ready for breakfast?"

We all walk down to the Great Hall, discussing what we'd like to visit in the village as we walk through the corridors.

Reaching the entrance of the Great Hall, I spot Fred, George, Lee and Ginny already seated at the table, talking with one another as they serve themselves breakfast.

Isn't He Lovely • A Fred Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now