t h e q u i d d i t c h l e g e n d s

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~DISCLAIMER: sexual material.

~This one be LOOOONG. Prepare y'allselves.


After a week, without even really wanting to, I've become a topic of interest within the upperclassmen at Hogwarts.

Since my blowout with Callum, and more specifically the contact between my fist and his face, my fellow students have been peering at me in the halls with these looks of either fascination, caution, or newfound admiration. I'm surprised to see the expressions of approval, considering the fact that I thought Callum is this popular guy here... but I soon find out that these looks, which are often from girls, are for a reason.

A couple girls have approached me since that day in the courtyard. One of them, a Slytherin sixth year named Eleanor, came up to me when I was alone in the library and was smiling the entire time she spoke to me. Apparently, Callum had hooked up with her a month ago and never bothered to talk to her again. Not only Eleanor, but a seventh year from Hufflepuff named Harriet approached me when I was walking to Transfiguration and said Callum had done the same thing to her only two weeks back. I can't believe what I'm hearing... he's a total dirtbag.

Hermione, Ginny, Ron, and Harry have also noticed the attention I'm getting this past week, and find it rather amusing... they still are impressed with me that I slammed my fist into a boy's face in front of almost the entirety of the sixth and seventh years. I find it a bit awkward to be walking in the halls talking to Hermione and feel eyes on me, but I must admit, there is one upside I've been enjoying...

Every time I've gotten near Callum, perhaps turned a corner and seen him there or passed him to my seat in class, he's looked completely shut down. He looks as if he thinks I have a sword that I'm about to jerk out of my robes and plunge it into his stomach every time I near him, his lips always tightly pressed together and his eyes darting away from mine with a hint of fear.

I like that.

It's now exactly a week since that incident, and I've got more important things to think about. The last Gryffindor Quidditch match is in only a matter of days. Three, to be exact.

It's against Hufflepuff, and Ginny's got us training like mad. With practices almost every day after school, it's getting difficult to balance my time between scribbling down my homework before grabbing my broom and tugging on my jersey to scramble down to the pitch in time for practice. We are doing well at training, but I can tell we're all getting quite exhausted, between the hefty loads of assignments and physically demanding training sessions.

The day finally arrives. The match is set to take place right after school, meaning I have approximately fifteen minutes to somehow sprint up to Gryffindor tower from my last class, grab my game sweater and other clothing, and run down to the pitch where the team will meet in the changing tent. My broom and jersey's already in my locker down there, so I've just got to get changed and meet up with everyone in the tent.

After classes, I hastily pull on my Quidditch clothes and run out of the tower without a minute to waste. Ginny's already down there, which isn't surprising considering she's the captain, and it seems everyone else is too.

Once I've made it down to the field, I'm already breathless, but feeling the usual excited jitters in my stomach as I walk across the turf and feel the cool breeze on my face. Today's a big day... the very last Quidditch match I'll ever play.

And just like that, it hits me like a ton of bricks. I'm almost graduated.

How has it all gone by so fast?

Isn't He Lovely • A Fred Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now