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It's been a couple of days since the London trip and the week is coming to an end.

I promised mum I would come to stay with her for a bit after the Burrow, but I must admit that as my last day here creeps closer I feel a bit disappointed. It's been one of the best weeks of my life.

It's the day before I head home. Molly and Arthur are set to return tonight from their getaway. The eight of us have been making sure everything is neat and tidy throughout the day, cleaning up any messes, and tidying certain areas that need it. So far everything looks great.

Fred's been stealing kisses all day, expressing his disappointment for my heading back home. I wish I could stay... I really do. But I can't leave mum in the dust, so I'm going back for at least a week, probably more. She's usually fine with me zipping all over in the summertime since school doesn't give us a lot of free time with our friends. As long as I stay with her once and a while, it's alright.

Harry's already reminded me that Sirius and Lupin are going to be inviting me along with Ron and Hermione to Grimmauld place this summer, which I can't wait for. It's so nice to have this many generous people around me during the Holidays; I sometimes don't realize how lucky I truly am.

Fred took me out on a little picnic, just the two of us, which was amazing.

The sun was setting over the hills and the evening air had felt so warm and welcoming; we sat atop the beautiful hill from before, talking for hours and laughing so hard our stomachs hurt.

I even got him to sing, after I brought my ukulele. It was sort of one of those moments that you'll always have in your back pocket; something you'll always remember. I really don't know how I landed that boy.

Lee has to leave, too. I think Hermione and Harry are staying for a bit longer, so it's just Lee and I heading out tomorrow morning.

George keeps grabbing Lee and pulling him away at random moments, which makes me laugh. Those two are that sickening kind of perfect.

At one point I was standing in the kitchen, leaning against the sink and peering out the window with a cup of tea coiled in my hand. I spotted Lee and George standing real close outside at a decent distance from the house, but I could still see their lips moving as they spoke to each other. George had his arms wrapped around Lee's waist and Lee's hands were gently pressed against the redhead's cheeks.

It almost looked like they were comforting each other... my guess, they were talking about speaking to their parents about their status. I can't blame George if he's nervous... except, Molly loves Lee, it's so incredibly obvious; he makes her laugh every single time he comes over with his cheesy jokes and witty little lines. I'm certain she'll be happy that he's the one for her son.

It's finally the evening before I leave, all of us working around the kitchen to prepare a nice dinner for when Molly and Arthur get home. The boys are joking over a boiling pot of pasta while us ladies are fixing up a salad, all of us laughing and chatting as the time passes.

Soon enough, as we're setting down the prepared meal onto the dining table, the door pushes open to reveal Molly and Arthur stepping inside with big smiles.

There's a chorus of cheerful greetings in response to their arrival and I watch the couple's eyes go wide at the fixed-up dinner.

"Oh, what a lovely meal to come home to!" Molly sighs.

"How was your guys' trip?" I ask, pulling out a chair for Molly.

"Oh, it was wonderful!" she replies happily, slipping into the seat. "Lots of beautiful views, little markets... we loved it."

Isn't He Lovely • A Fred Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now