t h e n e w k i d

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After a week at the Burrow, spending time playing games, having intense snowball fights, baking cookies and staying up far too late cracking up at each others' dumb jokes, it's time for us to return to school.

The morning that we have to leave, I'm awake early with my bag not yet packed. Fred actually woke before me, this being clear after I open my eyes to see him sitting on the edge of the bed stretching as sun streams in through the frosty window of his room.

I decide to take a quick shower before finishing my packing and Fred offers to help me pack a bit while I'm doing so. When walking to the bathroom, my eyes catch Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny running around the house grabbing things too and eating pieces of toast in the hallways as we all get ready.

After I've taken my shower, I head back to Fred's room wrapped in my towel and open the door. My eyes land on Fred standing in front of his mirror wearing one of my midriff tee shirts.

"Oh, boy, I see Lee has influenced you..." I giggle, closing the door behind me. Fred is grinning widely as he stands before me, the shirt falling just above his abs and giving him a rather flattering look.

"How do I look?" he says, smirking at me while placing one hand on his hips in a pose. I laugh, walking up to him and resting my hands on his waist as I observe the shirt on him.

"Not bad, actually..." I say, grinning, "...you look hot."

He laughs, then places a light kiss on my head before I turn around to get changed. I slip into a sweater and jeans, pulling my hair back and feeling cozy for the train trip ahead.

Fred and I head down to breakfast after I've finished packing, where Harry and Ginny are swallowing bites of eggs in between light chit chat. They greet us with a chipper "good morning" as we grab some breakfast and then slip into seats to join them. Molly isn't in the kitchen at the moment, probably off packing Ginny or Ron's things for them or something like that.

A little bit later, George and Lee shuffle into the kitchen wearing flannel pants and baggy tee shirts from bed. George has a goofy grin on his face and his hair is completely scruffed up, and behind him Lee looks in a rather pleasant mood as well as the two of them pour a couple cups of coffee.

"You two are looking quite cheerful this morning," Ginny comments as she looks at the boys. They're now leaning against the counter facing us, sipping their mugs of coffee with these satisfied smiles. "I feel like I should be hurt, considering that we're leaving today..."

"Oh, no no, sis, of course we'll be missing you lovelies..." George says, grinning, "...I just got a great night of sleep, that's all."

"Yep," Lee adds, nodding. "Nothing better than a good night's rest, right?"

"I suppose..." Harry mutters, his brow furrowing at the two of them.

A few minutes later, we're joined by Ron and Hermione. Hermione to my surprise is still in pajamas, despite the fact that she's always up, dressed, and ready to go on mornings we leave for school. Ron's hair is just as scruffy as George's, and his hands are slipped into his pockets casually as he shuffles into the kitchen. Hermione slips into a seat next to me as she bites the inside of her cheek, clearly trying to hide a smile.

"Morning..." I say to her, observing her expression. She looks up and meets my eyes, grinning.

"Good morning, Eloise," she says cheerfully. "Lovely day, isn't it?"

My brow furrows slightly but I smile at her, wondering what she's so chipper about. I look up to see Ron pouring himself a cup of coffee beside Lee and George, then step back and look to George.

Isn't He Lovely • A Fred Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now