c h a n g e s

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~ DISCLAIMER: mature content


Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Lee, and I are all piled in the living room the following day around two o'clock, waiting for the twins to return from their big meeting with Johnny Zonko.

We're all anxious to hear the news, constantly checking the clock to see how long they've been gone. The meeting was supposedly at twelve, so they should be back soon.

"I win," Ron says, tipping over another one of Harry's pawns on the board. "Again."

"This can't be fair," Harry protests. "I'm convinced of unjust cheating at this point."

"Or you just suck," Ron grins at him.

"Alright," Harry says. "That's not necessary."

Sure enough, in the middle of all of us watching the two boys finish an intense game of wizard's chess, the front door swings open to reveal two tall, exhausted reheads.

"My boys!" Molly chirps from the kitchen, walking over to the two of them. "My big businessman boys!"

"Yes, hello, Mum," George chuckles, stepping in first with Fred right behind him.

"So?" their mother asks anxiously, looking between her sons with wide, eager eyes. "How'd it go?"

Fred closes the door behind them as George lets out a long breath, crossing his arms with a smile.

"Well..." he starts, and we all perk up to listen, "the meeting started right at 12, just like we agreed..."

"And we got right to the presentation," Fred continues. "Told him about the general shop idea, our major plans, and of course, our products."

"At first we were a little nervous, but we found out that Johnny Zonko is actually a totally laid-back bloke," George scoffs. "Like, one of the coolest successful businessmen ever. So we got pretty comfortable."

"Well that's good," Ginny pipes up from the couch. "But did you make it? The deal?"

The twins exchange a look, then slowly grin before turning back to us.

"Oh..." George says, "...we booked it."

We all erupt into cheers and hoots and hollers and the boys laugh, Molly running over to give them a tight embrace. They look happy as ever. They deserve to be.

We all begin to excitedly ask questions.

"So what did he say?" Ron starts.

"He seemed to really like us, actually..." George answers, walking over to the living room. "Said he admired our work ethic and thought our business plan was 'impressively thorough' for two eighteen-year-olds."

"It is!" I cut in. "I'm not surprised that he liked you two. You've got the charm, too."

"He even gave us some starter tips, too..." Fred adds with a smile, "and told us how he's going to be helping as an investor."

"What's the plan?" Molly asks the two boys as they settle into the living room with us.

"He'll be regularly helping us with stocking the shop and working out product production in exchange for twenty percent of the monthly profits," George explains. He's grinning as he says it, for good reason.

"That's a great deal, boys!" Molly beams. "I'm so glad it all worked out. I had a feeling it would all fall into place."

"Us too," Fred replies, running a hand through his hair as he sits beside me on the floor. He swings an arm around me and pecks my temple with a kiss before adding, "we were so freaked out about not getting the deal. I nearly passed out at the door."

Isn't He Lovely • A Fred Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now