t h e g a m e s

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We arrive back home after the evening on the hilltop, the sun just setting over the horizon and sending a flood of darkness over the Burrow. We unpack the baskets back inside and settle into chairs at the dining table to figure out our next move.

"So," George says. "I say we start the game."

"Oh, I nearly forgot about that!" Hermione pipes up excitedly.

Fred nods as he leans back in his chair. "I agree... seems dark enough outside, right?"

"But we've got to pick something to hide, don't we?" I ask. "Anyone got any ideas?"

"I've got one," Ginny replies. "Something small, a good size, I'd say... I bet it'd be perfect."

"Great, go grab it, then," Fred motions to her, and she hops up from her chair.

We watch as she turns the corner of the kitchen and down the hall to her room. She promptly comes back holding a small, purple wood box. It's only a tad bit bigger than her hands as she brings it back to the table and sits down.

"What do we think?" she queries, holding the box between her palms. "Just a a little jewelry box, nothing in it, of course."

"That's perfect," George says. "And I agree, it's a good size.

"Now we've got to pick teams, don't we?" Harry asks. The twins nod. Harry turns to Ginny next to him. "We can take 'em, can't we, love?"

Ginny smiles and nods at him, slipping her hand into her boyfriend's. "Obviously."

George clears his throat and leans forward at the end of the table.

"Well, sorry Eloise, but I think I'm gonna go with Lee here," he sighs, looking at me with a dramatically sympathetic expression. "I just don't wanna risk you throwing yourself at me during the game-"

"Oh, for god's sake, George..." I groan, slouching into my arms on the table and hearing multiple snickers. I lift my head to look at him with narrowed eyes and add, "you're never gonna let me live this down, are you?"

"Nope," he answers, popping the p with a wide grin. Fred laughs before slinging an arm around my shoulders.

"I'll take my wicked girlfriend, here," he says. "I need her brains."

I grin and glance at Hermione and Ron across from us.

"Well, I suppose that leaves you two," I say with a smirk.

Hermione and Ron turn to each other while attempting to act completely nonchalant.

"Fine by me," Ron agrees casually. "Can't hear me complain when I've got the smartest girl I know on my side."

Hermione blushes and bites her lip to fight a smile as she quickly looks down.

"We're all set, then," George says as he stands from the table, prompting each of us to follow. "Now... hiding the box..."

Ginny walks over to her brother and hands him the small purple case. He turns it in his hands before looking up.

"I know a great spot," he says. "And then after... Hermione can, well-" he mimes a wand at his head.

George heads off into the woods to hide the box as we all eagerly wait in the front yard. The evening air is warm as the moonlight shines down on the Burrow, giving me that irresistible summer night feeling.

We wait for a few minutes and finally spot George sauntering out of the nearby trees, empty-handed.

He approaches us and nods to confirm. Hermione slowly pulls her wand out from her pocket.

Isn't He Lovely • A Fred Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now