s u m m e r a t last

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"Last day!"

"Last day!"

Ginny echoes my cheer when I arrive at the breakfast table, giddily plopping down and piling my plate with an eager grin.

At breakfast, everyone is much noisier than usual, which is not surprising due to the fact that no one can really focus on anything other than the start of summer break.

What's great is that we get to leave early; periods are significantly shorter in order for us to get to the train on time. Though, I am planning on saying thank you to each of my professors, so I'm actually quite glad we're attending our classes at all.

It's strange not sitting with Fred, George and Lee in the Great Hall this morning. 

It feels almost wrong, or unusual, but I remind myself that this is exactly what happens when someone graduates Hogwarts. 

You don't eat breakfast with them anymore.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and I head off to D.A.D.A first. We laugh and run down the halls, our spirits high while school draws to an end. When we're in these halls this time next year, it'll be our final days at Hogwarts. Whoah.

We stroll into Snape's classroom and I slip into my seat while students surrounding us goof around. Snape is positioned at the front of the class, his eyes surveying the group but his general presence lacking that disciplinary spark, likely because he knows there's not much of a point in trying to control everyone today.

We begin the shortened class, Snape starting by describing the D.A.D.A curriculum for seventh year that we'll be taking. It sounds significantly more difficult, but at the same time, rather fascinating. If Fred and George did it, can't I?

"Boggarts, you say?" pipes up Seamus from the back of the class. "Me mum told me about those a while back."

Snape inhales. "Yes, your curriculum in the following year will include learning the proper technique on defending yourself against those dark creatures and the like."

"It morphs into your greatest fear," Ron says. "A boggart."

Hermione smiles at him and I can tell she surely was the one who informed the boy of that.

"Wow! Really?" chirped a Hufflepuff girl. 

"What's yours, Professor?" I ask Snape, grinning. "Big piece of bubblegum stuck under your desk, perhaps?"

While the class laughs, Snape sighs, shaking his head. 

"Thank you for your input, Miss Baker," he says flatly while I'm still smirking. "How I will miss our charming banter over the summer break."

Snape finally ends the class with a simple, "thank you, and good luck" and we all get up from our seats right away to grab our things and such for our next class. I tell Hermione, Ron, and Harry I'll see them later and they wave before heading out the door. I grab my book bag and sling it over my shoulder before walking to the front of the class where Snape is standing.

"Sir?" I greet, and he turns around to face me. "I just wanted to say goodbye before the summer."

"Ah, yes, Miss Baker," he says in his usual low tone. "Excited for your break?"

"Yes, very much so," I grin, and adjust my bag on my shoulder as I look up to him. "Listen, erm, Professor... I really appreciate all you've done for me this year, truly."

He nods as I continue.

"You've just been so helpful, in class, and with the private lessons... thank you, sir," I finish, and I see his lips curve into a small smile as he looks to me.

Isn't He Lovely • A Fred Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now