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~ Thoughts on Fred's perspective? :)

~ If y'all liked it, I'll do it again sometime <3


I feel like I can't breathe.

I'm standing in front of the store window, looking in, watching as his lips are planted on another girl's. Not just any girl... Alicia Spinnet.

I just watched the boy I love most in the world kiss someone else.

I was so excited. I was so happy to see him. Then I came around the corner, looked inside, and every part of me crumbled.

I watch as Fred's eyes shift from Alicia's to mine behind her. I don't even stay another second to see his reaction before turning on my heel and running, running from the shop, running away from what I just saw.

I stumble into the middle of the street, the emptiness of Diagon Alley surrounding me as the sky lies dark above my head. I'm breathing fast, even though I barely ran, every part of me both in shock and absolute heartbreak. Just seeing him kiss another girl somehow completely breaks me down... I feel suffocated.

How could this happen? How could he do this?

The way she pulled him into her lips... it looked as if they had done it before. It was full of lust, confidence... desire.

We were only apart two months. I know that may feel like long, but did he have to do this? So quickly? Did he have to turn around and find another girl to make up for lost pleasure?

And I felt guilty for having a dream. I felt a pit in my stomach for simply dreaming of someone else, against my control. But this was perfectly under Fred's control, which makes it sting the most.

Rapid, sharp breaths are escaping my lips as I stand in the middle of the street, only a couple stray people down the road as I try to calm myself down. It's not working.

My eyes are welling with tears as I feel my heart pound in my chest, every ounce of me convulsing with hurt. I'm only standing there a few moments, attempting to regain any sense of composure when I hear a soft voice behind me.

"Miss? Are you alright?"

I turn around and see a short, plump witch, her eyes full of concern as she looks at me. I barely hear her over a ringing in my ears, and don't stay to see what she says next. Instead, I bolt off again, gripping my wand in one hand and wiping my eyes with the other. I run to the side of a street against a brick wall and take a shaky breath, closing my eyes.

I have to get out of here. I have to.


I feel myself briefly being pulled into the sensation of apparition before my feet plant on the ground once more and I open my eyes. I'm standing once again in my dorm, my heart still beating rapidly in my chest and my hand quivering as it holds my wand.


I hear Hermione's quiet voice and turn my head to see her slide off her bed. She walks to me with concerned eyes, my lips unable to release any words for a moment as she approaches me.

"Eloise, what's wrong? What happened?" she says, placing a hand on my shoulder. "You were only gone for a moment..."

"I- I saw him..." I croak out, sniffling, "...I saw Fred..."

"Was he in the shop?"

"Yes," I answer, my voice barely a whisper as shaky breaths slip out from in between my words. Soft cries are beginning to escape my lips as I speak. "I-I saw h-him... I saw him in t-the shop... with... with..."

Isn't He Lovely • A Fred Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now