1 2 g r i m m a u l d p l a c e

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The following week, Mum and I spend almost every minute together.

The evening after I came home we talked for what seemed like forever... our feelings just spilled out into each other and the hours whiled away into the night. It was nice. Really nice, actually.

We've spent days doing various activities that lift our spirits... relaxing on the couch, checking out nearby shops, swimming in lakes, hiking beautiful trails, stargazing, and baking a million delicious sweet treats. I enjoy that even more now, considering that there's no dickweed around anymore to eat them all.

I even package a few homemade muffins and cupcakes up to send to the Burrow. A couple days later I receive a letter from Fred saying how much the family loved them and how they missed me. Apparently, George nearly cried one morning when he found that the last blueberry muffin had been consumed.

It's now a sunny Saturday afternoon and I'm in my room reading Fight Club on the carpet, enjoying my sunlit window as Lola's perched atop my bookshelf. Once and a while she'll let out a little chirp or a ruffle of her feathers, demanding a bit of attention.

It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything, I read.

I like that quote. I don't know why, but I feel like my father would really like this book if he had been alive when it came out; it was only a few months ago.

He introduced me to many novels. My love for reading really originated because of him... sometimes I think he's up there, checking out all of the books I'm into now, pointing at some and telling my grandpa, "look! She's looking at more of Margaret Atwood's works! I showed her Margaret!" I miss him.

I'm particularly excited as I flip through the pages of the novel. Harry's invited me along with Ron and Hermione to Grimmauld Place tomorrow. I'll only be staying one night, but I can't wait... I haven't seen my best friends in over two weeks.

The next morning I wake up with a smile, feeling giddy to be seeing the trio today.

The morning whizzes by; I shower, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, pack my things and am soon standing at the fireplace. Mum walks over holding a mug of tea to her chest, her hair scruffy from bed and a warm expression painted upon her face.

"All set?" she asks. I nod. "Alright then, well... I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Of course," I beam. She steps towards me and pulls me into a quick but tight hug before I return to the fireplace. "Love you, Mum."

"Love you too," she replies with a smile.

I breathe in deeply before grabbing a fistful of floo powder and straightening my posture. I close my eyes.

"Twelve Grimmauld Place!"

An uproar of green flames surrounds me for a moment before I hear the embers finally settle down.

I open my slowly open to see a dark yet cozy living room before me, sage green hinting the room with color across the long window curtains and portraits plastered up on the walls. I slowly step out of the fireplace, brushing myself off and noticing that no one's around me just yet.

I suddenly hear the sound of a familiar voice and thumping footsteps from the staircase outside of the room.

"Remus, did you light the fire?" I hear Sirius calling. "It's summer, dear, I'm not sure if- ah, Eloise!"

He's stopped in the doorway after seeing me positioned in the living room, my small trunk in hand, and a smile on my face.

"Hi, Sirius!"

Isn't He Lovely • A Fred Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now