b l i s s f u l

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My eyes flutter open from sleep and I'm greeted by the morning rays of sun streaming into the dorm room. 

I shove a hand under my pillow and roll onto my side, yawning, wondering what time it is...

Then my mind recalls what challenged my falling asleep last night...

I've loved you for three years, Eloise Baker. 

Out of my control, my lips twist into a goofy grin and I have to stifle a giggle as I bring the covers up to my nose. I wish I could scream. That's how he makes me feel. 

There's no way last night was real. It wasn't. It couldn't be. 

I've wanted to say those words for years to him, and the fact that I heard him say it back almost makes me dizzy.

How do I still get butterflies from Fred even after being with him for three months?

I slowly make my way down to the common room in the morning, the Saturday feeling lazy as the cloudy day outside shows through the windows.

I step down the staircases, still in my pajama pants and top, and spot Ginny sitting on the couch with Hermione.

I don't see the boys yet, but I catch Hermione's lit up face that's beaming at Ginny as the redhead is blushing profusely.

I'm reminded of what Ginny told Hermione and I yesterday and excitedly scamper over to the couch, a grin growing on my face the whole way there.

I fall down on the cushions next to Ginny and they both look up at me.

"Good mo-o-orning, ladies," I greet, my eyes falling on Ginny with a smirk. "So... Ginny, love... last night. Spill. Now."

Ginny can't hide a grin as she looks down at her hands. "Erm... well..."

"Tell her, tell her, tell her!" Hermione suddenly giggles out. My eyes go wide at Ginny.

"What happened? Oh my god, what happened?" I ask eagerly. 

She hesitates before speaking in a small voice.

"Uh... well, he... he kissed me."

My jaw drops as Hermione is broken into another fit of giggles.

"Harry kissed you last night?"

"...yeah, he did."

I fall back on the couch as I slap a hand over my mouth, muffling a shriek. Ginny laughs as she blushes even harder.

After Hermione and I finally control ourselves, I sit back up and position myself to fully face the blushing redhead.

"So what happened, exactly?" I ask eagerly. "I've got to know, I just have to!"

Ginny smiles before responding softly.

"Well... we were talking a while, in the Room of Requirement, of course... and I started to feel nervous, because I wanted to let him know how I felt."

I'm grinning goofily as I lean in with interest, listening to her every word.

"And... and I was about to do it, I was in the middle of a sentence, but it really wasn't much of a sentence, because it was more like a run-on of stammering, to be honest..."

I stifle a laugh before she continues.

"And then he just sort of... interrupted me, by, well, plantin' one on me," she finishes and stuffs her pink face into her hands. A delighted laugh escapes my lips as I give her a tight side hug.

Isn't He Lovely • A Fred Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now